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Trust is not meant for everyone

It was my time to go to my room when I met Mrs Park walking in.

She looked exhausted.

"Mrs Park are you okay?"I asked.

"Well I am just having this headache."She said as I went to take some painkillers for her and some water.

"Here drink this."I said as she took them.

"Take a seat with me."She said as I awkwardly looked around but sat down with her.

"I mean don't be scared to seat closer."She said as I moved closer.

"Well since I consider you like a sister to me I have no idea who to share this with but only you I can talk to."She said as I looked at her waiting to listen.

"Well I think you shouldn't tell me anything,I mean you can't just trust me so easily."I said.

"That's why I like you,your very honest and so sharing this with you I know you will never try anything."She said as she touched both my hands.

"Okay,what's bothering you?"I asked.

When I looked her in the eyes she looked exhausted that I couldn't deny anything but have to listen.

"It bothers me that I had to choose to get married to the man who has my dream career to prove my father right and not the one I can show my love too."She said looking all sad.

"Ahh...what do you mean Haeun?"I asked.

"I feel distant to him,mostly we live in the same house as husband and wife but I barely say a word or even ask if he's okay and that makes me sad."She said.

"Well I don't know about relationships but if it was me I would have put my work aside and spent more time with him for once."I said.

"It's scares me to imagine I'm not worthy to be his wife,I try to make time but my work seem more important to me right now."She said.

"I understand."I said.

"Well then that was enough talking,I feel better and it's time for me to go and sleep...he will be on his way and can you stay here and relay a message for me?"She asked with a smile.

"Uhm...me?"I asked fearing the fact that Mr Park doesn't even recognize me.

"Yes I'll be asleep so he won't bother waking me up"She said.

"Okay what is the message?"I asked with a nervous smile.

"I'll like you to tell him I would be leaving early tomorrow morning."She said as she left to walk upstairs.

"Why did I agree to this one."I felt so nervous and thought of waiting for him to return just seemed so weird.

I just took my phone and began watching the things I missed.

"Wait what the?"I questioned myself when I saw a pic of my father with Mr Park at some building.

"This man sure has a fake smile and personality."I said pointing my fingers at the pic.

I then began looking at Mr Park's performances on my phone that Mrs Park bought for me before she took me in the house.

He even released a new album,how awesome and such pretty pics,he looks good in person I guess."I thought to myself when I suddenly felt like he was approaching the door.

I froze when I kept staring at the door.

As expected he walks in with his cat walk and cold expression on his face.

He touches his hair as if I'm looking at some movie actor.

"I remember he's also an actor of one of the drama I couldn't watch."I kept holding my phone as he walked and saw me as he stopped.

I gulped.

I thought he would say something but he took some car keys on the table.

He was about to leave.

"Excuse me..Mr Park."I said in a way I could feel my voice shaking.

He looked at me.

"Mrs Park told me to tell you she will be leaving in the early so you shouldn't be surprised."I said standing still.

"That's not surprising I guess."He said with his expression turning to anger all of a sudden and he didn't even seem to want to go to the room.

He turned and walked directly to the kitchen.

"Well then I did my job,now I feel sleepy."I thought as I immediately just left to go upstairs to my room.

When I got to my room I closed the door.

"It's so weird how Mrs Park can't spare some time to spent time with her husband I mean she's being a little mean and if it was me in her place I guess I would have given up on such a job that doesn't even make me happy."I thought it through.

I then put my head on the bed feeling so sleepy and tired.

I looked up and thought of what to do so that I can get my job done.

"It seems I'll be cleaning some quest room,but who will be the guest?"I questioned myself.

With so many thoughts in my head I just decided to turn my head to the left position and closed my eyes.

It was then a goodnight.~

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