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I thought we will be leaving sooner enough but Sunghoon just seemed to understand me so well that I wanted to see the stars in the sky while seating at a place like this.

We sat there till sundown.

"The stars are so pretty,that big one there I want it."I thought to myself smiling.

"You see that big star there?"He asked pointing as I looked.

"Yeah..."I replied.

"Doesn't it seem more like I'm the big star and the small ones are my fans."He said.

"Your still human,being famous doesn't make you better."I said.

"Well then,let's say it like this...I'm loved by many people."He said not minding my rude talks.

Just then I stood up with the thought of walking but I stripped over something and nearly fell as Sunghoon caught me into his arms.

My eyes were so widened as we made eye contact.

"Are you okay?"He asked.

"Yeah just that..."I got up pushing him away and then I suddenly feel pain on my leg.

"Your bleeding,how did this happen?"He asked while looking at my foot.

There was a broken bottle that we didn't notice.

"Who put this at such a beautiful area,people can be surprising sometimes."Said Sunghoon looking so serious.

"Let me carry you."He said.

"I'll walk,it's just blood."I said trying to walk but it was really painful for a small wound.

"Take my hand."He said.

"I guess I'll accept just this once."I thought as I grabbed on to his hand.

I wasn't expecting to be lifted up but he did it without hesitation.

He got both of us to the car and put me at the other seat.

"I'll drive."Said Sunghoon.

He got into the car as I just kept quiet.

While he was driving his phone rang and he answered.

What surprised me was that I thought we were going home but he seemed to have changed his mind.

"Y/N I'm sorry about this,I think today we should stay at some hotel."He said which I was surprised.

"Why?"I asked.

"I'll get a hotel for you to sleep in and I have somewhere I really need to attend,my manager forgot to tell me about it."He said checking himself out on the mirror.

"Too much for perfection."I said.

I thought when we get to the hotel he will just give me a card and say go and pay for yourself but it was the other way around.

He carried me out of the car unexpectedly as I was surprised.

While he was walking the people in the hotel recognized him.

"Ohh word,he forgot to put on a mask."I thought but it was already too late.

"Ohh my word Park Sunghoon,who is this girl?"Asked the worker as I hid my face.

"That's personal,can I get a VIP room."He said.

"Sure,I'm your biggest fan."She said smiling.

"Forget that I came with a girl here tonight okay."He said looking serious.

"I'll do anything for you."She smiled and he took me upstairs as I hid my face.

When we got to the room he put me gently on the bed.

"I'll get you some ointment to apply."He said.

I just watched him.

"Wow he's pretending to care for me right,yeah he would have done that for anyone."I thought.

He came back with the ointment.

I wanted to apply but he did it anyways and put on a bandage.

"I only did this to not feel guilty."He said.

"Don't forget to put on your mask."I said.

He clenched his fist and walked out.

"I wonder what is so serious that I have to stay at the hotel."I thought to myself.

Just then I didn't realize but the hotel room he got us was amazing.

"Wow it's so huge,like how is it possible there are rooms like this here,I know my father is wealthy but I've always went to the other rooms."I thought to myself.

Just when I was seated there was a knock at my door.

"And who could that be?"I questioned myself but then decided to just open the door.

Outside was this man I didn't know.

"What can I help you with?"I asked.

"Uhm...your Miss Y/N right?"Asked the man while holding a lot of things in his hands.

"Yes..."I replied with confusion.

"Well then Park Sunghoon told me to give you this,I'll be ready till you get prepared."He said.

"Prepared?for what?"I questioned.

"He just told me to wait for you,the car is parked outside miss."Said the man as he walked away living me with the things he was holding.

I went to take my phone and for real there was a message from Sunghoon.

He only wrote that I should prepare myself and without asking too many questions I should just go inside the car.

Inside was a very pretty dress that seemed more expensive than expected.

"This dress is very rare to find,but why would he want me to wear this and for what occasion?"I questioned myself as I took the dress and decided to do what I was told.

"I hope he is inviting me to some party."I thought as I did my hair and put on the bracelet he got for me.

I walked out without any problems and found the car really waiting for me.

I walked in and it was a black limousine.

"Where are we going?"I answered.

"It seems your invited to some party."Said the driver.

We finally arrived at this huge building.

Pictures were being taken as I was surprised.

When the limousine stopped there seems to be someone waiting for me.

I walked out when another man was standing outside.

"Miss Y/N?"He asked as I walked out nodding.

"Let's use the other door."He said as I agreed to follow the man.~

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