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I sat next to her but had to bring a good impression only for Jungwon.

"Actually to be honest me and Jungwon got married when you disappeared,I really feel bad about it,we should have waited for your comeback."She said looking pitiful.

"Whatever,it's not like I wanted to be at your wedding."I said.

"It must have been hard for you right?"She asked.

"What was hard?"I looked at her.

"I mean we don't know where you ran off to,you didn't have money and we called all your close friends but they had no idea where you were."She said.

"Well their not my real friends,I had nothing to share with them,the only friend I trust left and went abroad."I said.

"Ladies,I made drinks for both of you."Said Jungwon who came with two glasses of juice.

"Thank you honey."She said with a smile and he also smiled.

I felt anger but avoided it with a fake smile.

"Y/N where did you run off to?I even thought you were joking when you left."Said Jungwon who took a seat.

"I was planning to kill myself."I said as they both had shocked faces.

"Why would you do that?For your disappearance we had hope that you were still alive and we find you but If you killed yourself how would we have lived with ourselves."Said Jungwon looking upset.

"Even if I die who would have cared,two weeks will end and you probably would have forgotten about me."I said.

"Y/N don't say such things,you know how much we love you."Said my sister.

"Anyways congratulations on your relationship,I only came here to see my friend for the last time,bye."I said getting up to leave.

I was just frustrated that my sister was here so I said a lot of things out of anger.

"She only know how to put that innocent face infront of Jungwon and both my parents,they take me to be the villain in all this."I thought to myself as I walked.

Then a hand grabbed my hand as I turned to look and it was Jungwon.

I just looked at him for that moment before I spoke.

"What do you want?"I asked so innocently.

He hugged me with so much care.

I didn't know what to say or react.

"Should I hug back or not?"I kept asking myself.

I wanted to hug him back but...

"Y/N don't you leave us forever."He said as he broke the hug to look at me.

"Why?"I asked.

"Do you know how hurt I was when I saw that you were really missing for years,I would have liked you to see me doing what I always wanted to do but you were not there."He said looking sad.

"Jungwon,don't worry about it because as your friend I was there,you might not have seen me or noticed me but I was always watching."I said as he had no words to speak.

"Well that makes me feel a bit happy."He said with a smile.

"Okay now I have to go,I have so much work to do."I said.

"Also,I'm glad your doing what you love,a model it matches your appearance."He said as I was flustered.

"Ahh thanks,I'll leave now."I said walking out.

When I got home I got an unknown missed call.

But I couldn't bother looking at it because It might have been a mistake.

I went to sleep because it was late after some warm ups.

When I woke up in the morning I did some face routine to make sure my skin looks healthy.

That didn't keep from eating junk food though.

As expected Sunoo's call.

"My boss be hella annoying but ohh well I'll take this."I said as I picked up.


"Tonight your invited to some come together ceremony for celebrities so your invited,isn't this such a good opportunity?"He asked.

"Yeah it is,I'll be seeing handsome idols and actors right,I should also not attract a rumor."I said.

"At least you know all about that,all you have to do is act natural and please don't be rude because I'll be coming with you."He said.

"Haha okay,bye now."I said hanging up knowing very well he's busy cursing at me right now for hanging up.


I went to drink some cold drink as I seat at the terrace and watch the view of the city.

I smiled how beautiful it was but then...

All I could ask myself is Is If Jungwon will be there.

And mostly since it's for celebrities his wife this time won't be following him like his tail.

I just checked his Instagram stories and it seems like he just went off.

"I guess Sunoo will probably be sending someone to bring my outfit right now."I thought and for real there was a door bell.

I ran downstairs to go open the door.

"Ahh thank you."I smiled at the mail man and put on my signature on the sheets I was given.

I then carried the box that had the dress up to my room.

"Why am I suddenly caring about my looks this days."I wondered but then remembered someone calling me ugly for smiling.

"I'll never forget that jerk,if I knew I was this pretty by then I would have been a model a long time ago."I said looking at the mirror.

But I had other plans too which was to cut my hair up to my shoulders and dye it in dark blue.

I focused on the outfit Sunoo send and pretty much liked it.

"Can't wait to see myself there,this is my first time and I have worked this hard."I smiled talking to myself at the mirror.

Was also getting bored waiting for the time to hit.

Even had a little rest.~

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