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I was done eating as I payed and walked out of the restaurant.

I saw Jay seated next to his bike.

I was trying to pass.

"I've been waiting for you,you take a lot of time to eat."He said.

"I didn't come here to rush my eating."I said.

"Get on the bike with me."He said.

"Why would I do that when I came here by bus?"I asked.

"You have to pay for ruining my date today,so you have to be my date today."He said.

"Are you crazy?...why would I do that?"I asked with confusion.

"Today I had to prove to my friends that I've finally got a girlfriend but you ruined it so you have to pretend to be my girlfriend instead."He said.

"As if I would do that for you."I said.

"If you do it I won't get rid of you in the mansion even though your a mere maid."He said.

"That is not convincing enough."I said.

"Then what do you want?"He asked.

"You ask me what I want?"I smirked.

"Yes,I would get you whatever you want,remember I come from a wealthy background."He said trying to fix himself to show how wealthy and handsome he is.

I just couldn't help but want to laugh but still kept a serious face.

"I'll tell you later what I want since now I can't think of anything and you promise to not go back on your word."I said.

"I promise."He said so softly as I looked at him with confusion.

"Just be yourself,no need to act all nice."I said as he smiled.

"I don't understand what you mean by myself but this is entirely me."He smiled.

"I kind of miss the grumpy you already."I said.

"Now let's go."He said as he got on the bike putting on a helmet.

He handed me another helmet.

"So this was prepared for your girl?"I asked.

"Yeah it's obvious."He said.

"How unfortunate of her."I said as he started the bike.

I did not expect myself to fall into putting my hands around him.

"You were startled,you should grab on tight ."He said.

"As if I feel safe with you."I said.

He drove the bike.

We both stopped at some place where there were such nice cars.

"And whose house is this?"I asked.

"Well this is my friend Ren's mansion,he also comes from Thailand."He said as I followed him.

"I just hope I'm the only girl,I hate interactions."I thought to myself as we both got to the yard then the door.

"Wow was that thing I saw a dog?"I asked.

"Well I hate dogs so I prefer we pretend you didn't see it."He said as I was surprised.

He rang on the door as it was opened by some girl in a pink skirts with a white leather jacket and some sneakers.

"Babe Jay is here with his girl."She shouted.

"I hope Taehyun and Taemin are inside."Said Jay as we both entered.

"And who are those?"I asked as the girl looked at me.

"Jay I'm kinda surprised,she doesn't really look like your type despite being this pretty."She said.

"I prefer to not be anyone's type."I said.

"Whoah let's not talk about types right now."Said Jay as I glared at the girl.

We walked upstairs as I could hear such nice music with not a lot of noise playing.

She opened this huge door as I could see everyone was inside.

It seemed more like royalty than expected just like the house itself.

"Jay your finally here."Said this guy with dark black hair as they did this boy greeting I couldn't understand.

"I just hope we get over with this,I feel tired already."I thought to myself as they were busy talking as if I was not here.

"Ohh and you bought a girl."Said this other boy with blonde hair while wearing some kind of gown while holding a glass of red wine.

"Ohh yes I told you I'll be having a girlfriend and well this is Y/N."He said as he stood next to me.

"Girlfriend my foot,all for trying to impress his friends so dump of him."I thought to myself with irritation that I can't even leave.

"Well nice to meet you Y/N,and well she looks pretty."Said the guy who I thought was Lucas from the way he looks.

"Don't even think about it Lucas,she is not something easily to take away from me no matter how wealthy you are."Said Jay.

"I can see."Said Lucas as he walked towards me with this flirty vibe and to be honest he was really handsome.

"You have a natural beauty that is hard to find,do you know that?"Asked Lucas with his dimple smile.

Jay from the other hand looked frustrated.

"Hey Lucas I never see you flirting with every girl,but like I said she won't fall for you."He said.

"Where do I even take the word beauty,it doesn't matter to me how I look because still that doesn't take me anywhere."I said with a blank face as he smirked.

"You are interesting,anyways lucky you Jay."Said Lucas as he hit Jay by the shoulder.

"Yeah yeah I guess."Said Jay as the other boys laughed and the girl just looked at us seated.~

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