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"I even thought idols don't eat this much till I saw you."I said.

"Isn't it just weird how your getting so comfortable around me,I know I should be that close but you just have this kind of thing that makes people just want to keep on talking."He said with a serious face.

"I don't even know what your trying to say but I'll just finish up my pizza thank you."I began biting it thinking about the kiss that got rejected.

"Anyways let's just go home,I have so many things I bought for my wife."He said.

"Hope it's voluntary."I said.

"Like I said,your just too comfortable to even be honest."He said.

"It's because I don't care what you think of me,if you hate me then why should I care."I said.

He didn't say anything as he just smiled to begin driving since he was done eating his peace.

I just couldn't eat much of the pizza anyways so I kept on drinking a bottle of water the entire road.

We finally arrived as I felt like I miss Japan.

When we got off the car I was the only one holding my luggage as I walked inside the mansion.

I found Nayeon and Chaewon standing right inside.

Chaewon smiled as she approached me for a hug but I rejected the hug.

"Sorry Chaewon but I hate hugs,their just not meant for everyone."I said without thinking I sounded a bit harsh.

"Hmm I told you she's not a good person that you can be around Chaewon."Said Nayeon as she glared at me.

"Actually Nayeon how did you enjoy being the maid while I was in paradise?"I asked with a smirk.

"Well I had fun thanks to you,I really hate traveling."She said.

I walked closer to her.

"It's not that you hate traveling Nayeon,you just can't accept that you don't have money to travel."I said as she looked at me with an upset face.

"You really annoy me."She said.

"And I'm beginning to like it."I said as I rolled my eyes and decided to walk upstairs as I bumped into Mrs Park.

"Ohh Mrs Park."I smiled as she smiled a bit.

"How was it there?"She asked.

"It was very nice,the weather and everything."I said.

"Hmm...okay,but why didn't you pick up my calls Y/N?"She asked.

"Because I was busy with something so..."I was going to finish my words but....

"You know what I don't like excuses and mostly if I tell you to pick up your phone you have to Y/N and also your like a younger sister to me so I get worried."She said.

"I know,that's what you always say."I said.

"Also what I like about you is that your an honest person so I need you to do something for me."She said.

"What?"I asked.

"Actually I feel like...you don't need to refuse me though since you will get paid more."She said.

"I'm listening so get straight to the point."I said.

"I actually feel like..."She was going to finish her words when Sunghoon walked in while on the phone.

"Ohh Sunghoon?"She smiled as she walked down the stairs like a happy puppy.

I looked at them.

Sunghoon smiled back at her after hanging up on his call and she hugged him.

I don't know why but I found it cringe.

I just had to mind my own business when I directly walked to my room.

I began to unpack so that I can watch this new drama that just got released.

I was done with unpacking and carefully placing them into the wardrobe.

I then began watching the drama on my bed and I felt like craving for some snacks.

This was the time for everyone to be asleep as I was decided to go to the kitchen and take some snacks.

Just as I was busy tiptoeing to downstairs and successfully getting to the kitchen I nearly slipped on some water on the floor since I was looking where I was going and for that moment I don't know what happened but...

I was already held by Sunghoon as he looked confused.

I immediately regained my balance as I acted like nothing happened.

"What are you doing in here at this time of hour?"He asked with his cold tone.

"Why do you care Mr Park,I only came to drink water."I said.

"Like how old are you?"He asked as I wondered what he would ask for my age.

"Why should I tell you?"I asked.

"Because you really seem younger than me to talk back at me like that."He said.

"Hmm,why does it even matter If I'm younger or not,I talk to whoever I want the way I want and that's how my father..."I wanted to finish my words but stopped when I realized I mentioned that one of a devil's name.

"Go on...I see you talked back to your father,I wonder why Haeun even sees in you."He said as he looked annoyed.

I just passed him and took a bottle of water arrogantly as I stomped.

He just glared at me.

"Acting all tough once we home,I guess Mrs Park be hiding cameras to see if your acting all up on us."I said as some kind of joke even though my jokes never sound like any.

He seemed quite as if what I said was right.~

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