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He began applying the ointment on my knee as my reaction was blank.

He seemed so surprised that I didn't make any expressions.

"Doesn't it sting?"He asked.

"No...why would it sting when a handsome guy like you is applying me."I said in a way as if I was dreaming.

I just saw that he looked confused but he ignored me and began applying then put a bandage on my knee.

"You will be okay,there won't be any infection"He said.

"I think If you became a doctor you would have looked more handsome."I said.

"Uhm...are you okay?"He asked as I snapped out of my dream land and looked at him.

"Ohh word....I'm sorry...just forget about everything I said just now."I said.

"Uhm...you didn't say anything bad."He just seemed like he wanted to smile.

"Ohh word."I stood up staring at him but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait,doesn't it hurt when you walk?"He asked in which I turned to look at him.

"Don't worry,I'm okay."I said in an arrogant way.

But when I tried to walk I could feel pain but endured it.

I just kept walking biting my lips.

I even thought he wouldn't recognize that when he appeared infront of me.

"I'll carry you back to your room."He said.

I hit his shoulder as he looked at me confused.

"What was that for?"He asked.

"You want one of your fan to see you carrying around some girl,you should also consider how they will feel and anyways like I said I'm okay...I'm only a maid anyways."I said as I pushed him aside.

He just looked at me as I walked.

I just didn't want things to be awkward between me and him and the fact that he's married I just can't think of anything related to kdramas.

While getting to my room I saw the guy who I tried to follow and he gave me a side eye.

His room seemed to be not far from mine as I gulped.

I just looked down as he entered his room.

"I hope he didn't see me following him."I felt so scared because I couldn't tell if he was dangerous or not.

I just entered the room with a thought of seating on my room.

It just felt painful this time I don't know why.

"Back then when I fell I was okay but why does it hurt,is It because of the ointment?"I questioned myself but when I saw that Mrs Park was calling me I just ignored the call.

"She really thinks I'll be looking at every move of Mr Park."I felt so annoyed as I covered my face with the pillow.

I was so tired so I had no other thing to do but sleep.

I really went into a deep sleep.

The next day...

I woke up to see it was already morning.

"Ohh yeah."I stretched myself out of bed.

I was expecting my knee to hurt but it felt perfectly fine.

"I guess it was the ointment."I smiled to myself as I went to take a bath.

When I came out I looked for an outfit for today.

When I came out I looked for an outfit for today

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Outfit for today...

"Yeah now this is what I find comfortable for today."I smiled looking at the mirror.

Just then I saw my phone was ringing.

"What the heck."I looked surprised as it seems Mr Park was calling me.

I picked up the call 📞....

"What is it Mr Park?"I asked.

"Make sure you get down here by five minutes or else you won't be receiving your offer."He said.

I was about to respond but he hanged up.


"What the heck,he should be kidding me."I said as I began running that now my knee felt okay.

When I got inside the elevator I began to think.

"Maybe if I act like I'm still not okay he will not take me with him."I smirked to my plan.

The elevator opened and I walked out slowly.

He saw me as he was seated.

I got to him.

"So your still not okay?"He asked looking like he doesn't believe it.

"Uhm...I thought it will be okay but it's a bit painful."I said.

"But the ointment I applied on you works really well,okay then I'll have to apply it once again."He said.

"No need,I said it hurts a little bit and as I said no need to worry for your maid."I said trying to smile.

"Just don't smile,I think your better with that straight face."He said.

"Ohh word just look at him,thinking he should be judging people's smiles."I thought to myself feeling like I could knock some senses into him.

"Did you have breakfast?"He asked.

"Uhm...I was coming to eat it down here."I said.

"Well I didn't eat breakfast."He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why is he telling me this?"I questioned myself.

"So I want us to go to this restaurant I'm interested in."He said.

"Why don't you just order?"I asked.

He gave this bored look.

"You don't need to question me,now let's go there."He said.

"What if I want to eat breakfast here?"I asked.

"I never asked,I pay for everything anyways so you don't need to decide."He said as he passed me.

I glared at him as I had no choice but to follow him.~

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