The Final Summary

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(Y/N), as revealed in Tiramisu's introduction, is the daughter and princess of a royal family. The Espresso kingdom has a similar situation to the Cacao kingdom: one missing monarch, in this case for the Espresso kingdom, there was only a queen. She remains unnamed like Dark Cacao's father.

An older brother to (Y/N), Espresso cookie showed a promising route towards becoming a masterful scholar and educator. At first, the royal family expected for him to become the heir to the throne since he was the eldest and renamed the kingdom in his honor, but since his skills brought him to a different passion, they allowed for him to pursue the path he wanted to go. Since the throne was now empty, (Y/N) was the only option. This caused extreme urgency and panic once the king passed away shortly after Espresso cookie's freedom and caused the queen to become a controlling puppet master. Espresso cookie had a very disconnected friendship with (Y/N) in the first place. He also had no clue what was happening behind the scenes for (Y/N), and his already weak relationship with her was severed whenever he was sent off to the most prestigious schools in a different kingdom.

Everything that (Y/N) did was supposed to be perfection, nothing short of being a monarch, to the point where (Y/N) was driven to escape the kingdom entirely. She managed to slip away under the guise of a silent traveling monk.

Tiramisu grew up with (Y/N) as her closest protector and guardian, offering her the only help and advice that she would ever appreciate. Though their friendship was strong (to the point where Tiramisu mistook their bond for romantic attraction,) (Y/N) didn't say goodbye or tell Tiramisu of her plan and left them behind knowing that they would attempt to keep her from leaving. Heartbroken but driven, Tiramisu was the only soldier that the queen could entrust with finding the princess since they had the highest chance of figuring out where she ran off to.

(Y/N) travels for about 2 years, narrowly escaping detection in many kingdoms and cities with various disguises to avoid any leads tracing back to her. This strategy stays faithful for her for the full ride. Up until she lands herself in the most dangerous kingdom she'd ever go to: the Dark Cacao kingdom. This is where the story picks up.

Milk Bread and Sopapilla cookie were two friends that grew up as maids in the kingdom since they were little, seeing the father of Dark Cacao grow up and Dark Cacao himself grow up. Whenever Dark Cacao was still a young cookie, the Oreo Dragon, a two-headed hydra with one chocolate side and one cream side, came and cursed the kingdom after fleeing.

Whenever the Oreo Drsgon came, Sopapilla cookie attempted to be a mediator between him and the kingdom, but was influenced by the dragon's careful wording and was eventually led to his trap: she was permanently cast under his control against her will under another curse. Unable to back out, she was forced to share the mind of the dragon which could also see into her mind. Because of this connection, she was the first to know about the garden that the dragon mercifully left behind to provide the kingdom under one condition: nobody with an impure heart could step inside of the garden or else it would wither away. (She did not have the physical heart of the impure dragon, just the mind.) Taking the risk, Sopapilla shared the location and secret of the garden to Milk Bread.

The reason that Sopapilla revealed the garden's existence to (Y/N) was, as stated by herself, she didn't expect for (Y/N) to live any longer in the kingdom. The dragon was the one talking to (Y/N) and saw the vision of her possibly ending his life, so he forced Sopapilla to stage the stolen sword: after Dark Cacao left the sword behind after an argument with his father, Sopapilla slipped the sword under the covers of (Y/N)'s bed and left it where Milk Bread would discover it. Unbeknownst to Sopapilla and the dragon, this would also place Milk Bread and herself under the judgement of the law. However, the dragon was less than caring about what would happen to Sopapilla since he was planning his next "visit" very soon from then.

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