Chapter 1

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Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross was always packed on September 1st as the excitement of a new year at Hogwarts began. Frenzied 11 year olds ran around, desperate to find a compartment, clueless as to what waited for them at the other end of their long train journey. Their parents stood with tears as they watched their children leave, already planning their first letters to send.

Meanwhile returning students greeted each other in joy after a long summer apart, while their parents stood waving from the platform, used to this routine and excited for the empty house they would have soon. The Marauders had already all found each other and were waiting in their usual compartment, save for one, who was still on the platform

"Remus!" Said boy whipped around and his face split into a grin when a familiar beoqn-haired girl ran towards him 

He had only been able to look at her for mere seconds before she threw her arms around his broad shoulders, but he could tell puberty had hit her hard over the summer from the feeling of her torso against his. 

Chloé Laurent was undoubtedly the prettiest girl at Hogwarts, and was also Remus's best friend. How? He had no idea. He looked like a scraggly mess next to the Veela with clear skin, shining honey eyes, glowing brown locks, and a button nose. But they were best friends, and had been ever since first year, and surprisingly very few people knew because Chloé was a quiet girl and preferred to hide in the castle's shadows. 

But it seemed it would be harder for her this year because now, her Veela genes had really kicked in full force, and her body had become curvier, her hair longer, and her eyes shinier.

"I missed you," the taller boy smiled as they pulled apart

Chloé could say the same about puberty hitting Remus this summer, she thought, scanning him up and down. He now stood easily at just over 6 foot, and his shoulders had developed to be wider and stronger, and he looked grown up.

"I missed you too," she pouted "Paris was lonely without you"

Chloé spent a lot of her childhood in France with her family, so every holiday when she returned, it made it much harder to see her friends. Not that she had that many she would visit anyway. Of course she was popular. How could she not be?

She was adorable, beautiful, witty, and could have any man on his knees begging for her attention. Everyone who knew her loved her. But Chloé knew that a lot of people at Hogwarts knew she was a veela, and were only friends with her because of that. So she had very few people she could call real friends.

But Remus Lupin was one of those people. They had clicked instantly during their first year, when the Gryffindors were paired up for a transfiguration project, and since discovering that both of them were half-breeds they became even closer. They were both very intelligent and witty and their dry humour matched well. Neither were the loudest or most confident of their friend groups, and they were both forced to live under this veil of secrecy and loneliness as half-breeds. But they could understand those feelings together, and it was what drew them closer in the first place, but now they could bond over many other things like their favourite books, their schoolwork, their friends, and their jokes.

The few others Chloé would call real friends included Lily Evans, Kendall Lyman, Regulus Black, and her brother Antoine. It wasn't that she was antisocial, but every time she tried befriending new people it always ended up falling apart when they would ask her a million questions about her abilities. So now she stopped trying and settled for the friends she already had.

Remus understood, which was why he never tried to introduce her to his friends. The Marauders were brothers to him, and he loved them, but he knew they might make her uncomfortable, and be nosy. Resorting to keeping their friendship a secret from them. 

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