Chapter 24

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The first full moon of their fifth year at Hogwarts was approaching, and this time, Remus was even more nervous than normal because all week Sirius and Chloé had been behaving strangely, and whispering, with the only words he ever caught being 'moon' and 'secret', which stressed him out for whatever they had planned.

However, he physically didn't have the strength to bring it up when his body was feeling so weak and exhausted.

The truth was that Chloé and Sirius were both a little bit worried about Remus's reaction to Chloé being an animagus. He, even in wolf form, was used to the rat, the stag, and the dog being with him all the time, but to add another person, one who was an even closer friend to him, could make him too erratic.

But then, they had another concern to deal with.

"Pads" Chloé hissed the day before the full moon, dragging him away from the Marauders and into an adjoining empty corridor

Sirius chuckled, "You know, if you want to snog me that badly, darling, all you had to do was ask"

She rolled her eyes "Please, we all know I'm not that desperate"

Black smirked, messing up his dark curls "No one would blame you if you were. My looks are overwhelming for most people"

The Veela scoffed "Mon chérie, you will be begging me for a kiss long before I will."

He took a step towards her, "Care to test that, darling?"

Chloé shoved him backwards gently, a faint smile on her lips, "I'm not here to talk about us snogging, Black, as if it could even happen. Professor McGonagall told me we have a private lesson tomorrow night, which means..."

"You'll be late for the full moon" he sighed 

Sirius had hoped that Chloé being there from the beginning would help Remus calm down and get used to her presence before he transformed, but if she turned up as an unfamiliar animal while he was a wolf, it could end poorly for them both.

"Yeah" she said 

Sirius frowned, "Can't you just miss one? Or ask her to reschedule?"

Chloé shook her head "No, I'm sorry, but these lessons are important and if every full moon I have to cancel on them then sooner or later she and the rest of the staff will figure out what we're up to and we will likely be reported to the Ministry for being illegal animagi. I have to go to it, I'm sorry"

He hummed, "Is this yet another lesson to discuss your future? Or do you have another excuse up your sleeve this time?"

Chloé chuckled slightly nervously. "Transfiguration classes. McGonagall's just helping me try out some new things"

Technically, she wasn't lying, but she definitely could not mention the Order or anything about why McGonagall would do this for her. She felt bad for lying to her friends and sneaking around, but deep down she knew they would understand whenever she could finally tell them.

"Is that so?" asked Sirius, folding his arms "You're a good liar, I'll give you that, but you can't fool me, Laurent. I've noticed how often you sneak off to meet her, so why don't you just tell me what's really going on?"

She smiled. "I didn't know you were so nosy. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised though. Must be the dog in you"

He rolled his eyes, "Fine. You go to this made up lesson of yours and then meet us at the Shack. I'll do my best to keep Remus calm but no promises"

Chloé beamed "Thank you! I promise next time I'll try not to be late"

"Unless you have yet another secret lesson" he said teasingly, and Chloé walked away from him, grinning over her shoulder.

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