Chapter 20

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France was particularly beautiful in August, especially the south, where the Laurent French Villa was situated along the Mediterranean coastline, and was surrounded by the gorgeous greenery of vineyards and empty fields. And of course right in front of it was the beautiful blue still water of the sea which Chloé had spent a month relaxing in front of, under the beating, scorching summer sun and clear skies.

But finally the month of August had arrived and finally Chloé's friends were coming to stay with her for a week, so Antoine had gone to stay with his boyfriend, and Chloé's parents had returned to their home in Oxfordshire to give the teenagers some time. Basically, they didn't want to have to deal with the chaos of having to look after more than one child at a time.

Now, Chloé was sitting in their front drawing room by the terrace waiting for her friends to arrive via the floo network. Lily had had to have her fireplace connected to the system, but it was done quickly and then each of the girls had received a letter on what to say to get there and they should be arriving soon.

The coughing flames in the fireplace suddenly burnt bright green and then with a bang, Kendall appeared in her living room, causing dust to spread across the cream carpet on the marble floor. 

"Chlo!" The other veela exclaimed and Chloé bounced up from the sofa to throw her arms around the slightly taller girl. "Oh my gosh this place looks so different from when I was last year"

"That's because you were last here four years ago" chuckled Chloé

"True" nodded Kendall.

Behind them, there was another loud bang and this time it was the shortest member of their group, the red head Lily Evans standing there. "Hi!" she squealed and ran over to hug them "Thank god I got here! Mum and dad were worried that I would get lost or the fire hadn't been connected properly"

"Well you made it in one piece" said Chloé. "Welcome to my home"

Lily looked around and her eyes were wide in shock. The house was absolutely massive, and its interior beautifully decorated in shades of white and blue, and its walls were mostly covered in large windows, through which glimmering strays of sunlight were streaking and lighting up the inside. "Wow" was all she could say. 

They of course all knew that Chloé was rich, I mean the Laurents were famous as hell, but no one had really ever imagined just how rich she was, and seeing her holiday home in the flesh really showed Lily how rich she was. Kendall wasn't surprised of course, seeing as her family was also very rich and she was used to this lifestyle.

Once Lily was done ogling the living room alone, the fire behind her burnt brightly in green and then Alice Fortescue was standing in front of them coughing. "God that's painful"

She brushed the black dust off of her and then went to hug the three girls. "Welcome!" smiled Chloé

"Thank you so much for this," she replied "My dad's new ice cream shop in Diagon Alley just opened so all I've done this summer is stand in the sun handing out ice creams. My arms actually hurt from doing it so often"

The others laughed at their friend's misfortune. "Well I can't wait to try it when we go shopping for our stuff for next year." said Kendall

"Please do. It'll be nice to talk to someone who doesn't spend an hour just picking a flavour. It isn't that hard. I've barely had any time to see Frank even though he always tries to meet up" sighed Alice "Am I the last here?"

"No we're still waiting for-"

Lily never got to finish her sentence because the fireplace roared again, but this time much brighter and louder than before so the four girls took a step back cautiously. Then, with a louder bang than they had all day, the fire ceased and in its place were two girls piled on top of each other.

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