Chapter 2

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Ever since that first day of their fourth year, Sirius felt like he was constantly looking over his shoulder, hoping to spot that blonde girl from the common room, but to no avail. It was like she was a ghost, who he only ever saw glimpses of as she rounded a corner or walked away

It wasn't until the day after the first full moon of October that he got a proper look at her again. Remus had had a rough night and was in the hospital wing, so after Madame Pomfery had kicked them out that morning, the Marauders were on their way to check on him after classes

But what they weren't expecting to see was a girl sitting at his bedside. Her long silver hair fell around her, hiding her face from view, but they could see the smile on Remus's face as he looked up at her

"Moony!" James cried as they walked towards their friend's bed and both pairs of eyes snapped towards the approaching group. It was like with the swish of her shiny hair, she captured all of their attention, and the three boys almost stopped in their tracks. Sirius especially "Um, h-hi," James stuttered, his eyes bulging

Chloé tried not to feel hurt by the sudden change in the atmosphere, but she couldn't help it. And Remus could say the way her shoulder sagged slightly. Chloé turned back to Remus and pressed a kiss to his forehead

"I'll see you tomorrow, mon loup" she whispered and got to her feet before making her way out of the Hospital Wing, keeping her eyes firmly anywhere but on Remus's friends. 

It was only when the doors swung shut behind her that the three boys seemed to snap out of their daze

"Who was that?" Peter breathed, as if in shock

"A friend," Remus answered and something in Sirius's heart dropped. The way he said it sounded like he was hiding something. Was she his girlfriend? Why didn't Remus tell them? How did he never notice her? What even was it about her that made her so beautiful?

"Oh," he managed to get out of his throat, his heart pounding painfully with something he could not recognise. Jealousy? Worry? He didn't know

Even while they spoke to Remus about how he was feeling, Sirius couldn't help the heavy feeling in his chest

"Mate what is going on with you?" James asked him when they were heading down to dinner and Sirius was being unusually quiet "I just suggested we prank Snivellus and you didn't even laugh. Are you okay?"

"Yeah" Sirius said, shaking his head to snap out of whatever state he was in "Family stuff," he lied

But that didn't turn out to be a lie for much longer, when they reached the entrance hall and saw the familiar back of a girl's head, standing with none other than Sirius's lookalike - Regulus Black

Regulus had a smile on his face, which was unusual for the third year, but that smile quickly disappeared when he saw his brother approaching

"Sirius," he said stiffly

"Reg," Sirius replied, just as coldly

Chloé had hoped to avoid them from now on, but it appeared to be impossible as they came towards her and Regulus. She and Regulus had become friends a long time ago when they ended up studying together in the library, and ever since then she had been a shoulder for him to lean on when his life at home was too overwhelming

"What do you want?" Reg asked "Come to tell me about your plans to annoy Mother and Father?"

"As far as I'm concerned, they are dead to me," Sirius spat "And as long as you side with them, you are too"

Regulus just scoffed. But Chloé knew him. And she could see the way his fists clenched in anger.

"Fine by me," he said "Come on, Chloé"

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