Chapter 16

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Gryffindor's victory against Slytherin to take them to the final match for the quidditch cup was by far the biggest talk around Hogwarts because if Gryffindor won then it would be their first victory in five years and the entire house was anxious for it. Even Professor McGonagall had stopped scolding her students for talking about the game in her classroom.

Chloé, James, and Sirius had been swarmed with questions about the upcoming game, and all three of them had been so focused on winning that they had barely had time for class, not that they were complaining. Moony had actually been the one who suffered the most because their obsession with quidditch had caused James and Sirius to be late to the last full moon.

The two in question had also been acting horribly at training and Chloé knew it was because of what Richard tried to do to her and she had begged them to stop it for the team's sake, but they claimed they had no idea what she was talking about.

So when Richard limped away from training with a broken knee, she had shouted at both of them, but the two kept their smug grins throughout the whole thing.

But the big day was finally here and it was a relief to everyone who disliked quidditch because after today the chaos of the cup would finally be over. Chloé had become so nervous about the whole thing that she could barely stomach water, let alone any food. 

"Come on, Chlo" Lily was urging her at breakfast "Just have a bite or two"

She had placed a piece of toast on Chloé's plate, but the Veela was too busy chewing her nails to eat it. "No."

Her friends all rolled their eyes at her nervousness, which almost made Chloé snap from all the stress. She was so nervous and she wanted them to stop pestering her, even if they were trying to help, but she was so incredibly stressed. 

Lily though, continued to encourage her to eat, but Chloé was having none of it and left the table to go and change into her quidditch robes. The rest of the team appeared soon afterwards and once they were all dressed Richard sat them down for a team talk.

"This is it." he began "We have one shot to win this and this is it, so we have to leave it all out on the floor today and show Ravenclaw once and for all that we are the best quidditch team here. Nothing will stop us today. I want you all to rely on each other and work together and if we do that then they have no chance against us. This is our year, team!"

The group whooped and cheered and began to head out for the pitch. Chloé turned around to speak to Sirius and James as they left, but the pair were engaged in a conversation, hissing quietly between them. Sirius spotted her watching them and smacked James on the arm, and then they both turned to her with overly cheery smiles, and Chloé narrowed her eyes. "What are you two up to?"

"Nothing!" they answered in perfect unison

Chloé did not believe them at all, but there were far more important things at stake today than whatever prank or mischief they were planning so she gave them a final suspicious look and headed out onto the pitch with their team.

The crowd was louder and more excited than it ever had been before, and it gave every player on that pitch a massive rush of adrenaline. Richard and Fred Thomas shook hands and when Madame Hooch blew her whistle all fourteen players kicked off into the air. The moment the quaffle flew above them Chloé dived into action, but unfortunately Mount from Ravenclaw got it first.

Jonathan immediately started going after him, and Chloé focused on blocking another chaser from getting near him. Jonathan was much bigger than Mount and easily shouldered him, which caused the Ravenclaw's elbow to buckle and drop the quaffle so Chloé broke into a dive and caught it.

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