Chapter 4

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The arrival of Halloween was always a dreaded one at Hogwarts, for Halloween was a time when the Marauders would perform one of their most extravagant pranks of the year. But to make up for it, they would throw the best party of the year in the room of requirement

"What are we thinking for this year?" Sirius asked as he placed his bag down on the Gryffindor table, where the rest of the Marauders and Chloé were sat "I can't decide if we should merely target Snivellus, or go for his whole greasy house"

He had expected James to leap in with a detailed plan at the ready, or to at least laugh, so he was incredibly disappointed when James didn't acknowledge him. He and Chloé were sitting opposite each other at the end, and were quietly speaking while gesturing to a drawing of the quidditch pitch in front of them

"They've been like that all day" Remus sighed "Even in Transfiguration today, for the first time Chloé didn't take a single note since James would not stop talking to her"

"Has he forgotten that tomorrow is Halloween?" Sirius scoffed

"He hasn't, but he has realised tomorrow is also our first match of the season" chimed in Chloé, her eyes still fixed on the drawing 


"So we want to flatten Ravenclaw," James added 

"But what about our prank?" Sirius whined "We can't let our fans down, Prongs"

"Sirius, I promise we will do the prank, but I also want to win this match" he explained "Besides I already have a plan for it so I can focus on quidditch"

"Boring," Sirius huffed

"Well how boring is bewitching all of Slytherin's food to give them boils, hiding dungbombs in Hufflepuff's food to ruin breakfast, and then asking Peeves to cover the stairs to the Ravenclaw tower with a swamp?" James asked and Sirius stared at him in awe

"And this is why you're my best friend!" Sirius exclaimed "Alright I'll find Peeves, Wormy you're on collecting dungbombs from all our stashes, and Moony you'll need to go to the kitchens tomorrow morning since we'll have to head to the pitch" 

"What about the rest of Gryffindor?" Chloé asked and they all looked at her in surprise "It wouldn't have to be as drastic, but if you all get up as early as us tomorrow you could enchant the armchair to turn into a jack-in-the-box whenever someone comes down for breakfast"

"You can do that?" Sirius asked

"Of course," she shrugged as if it was normal 

"I could kiss you right now," he smiled

"Please don't"

So with their plan in motion, the 5 set alarms for early the next morning and they split off on their missions; Moony to the kitchens, Peter to collect dungbombs, Sirius to find Peeves, and Chloé to enchant the armchair at the bottom of the stairs

And once that was all done Chloé, James, and Sirius trudged down to the quidditch pitch in high spirits for the game ahead

The rest of the team arrived not long after, laughing about the armchair, and they ran a few warm ups before slipping on their gear. By then it was nearly 9:30, and the stands were filling up with students dressed in red and gold, and blue and silver

"Okay team!" Richard called "This is our first game of the year and we need to win this! We have a much better team than Ravenclaw and I already feel that this our year to take the cup! We've trained hard for this and we need to give them everything we have. So let's go out there and win this!"


The changing room atmosphere was electric, and when Chloé stepped onto the pitch, she was greeted with roars from the red and gold stands, making her grin. 

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