Chapter 10

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The reunion of Chloé and the Marauders was a relief to most of Gryffindor fourth year because it meant that finally the tension and awkwardness that had plagued their year since Halloween was finally gone

Chloé had been smiling much more than before, and she was so happy to actually have all of her friends back. Remus in particular was happy to have her back since it had been difficult for him to constantly spread his time between the Marauders and Chloé, but now he could actually hang out with all of them together again.

Life at Hogwarts had seemingly been perfect for January, that was until the day of January 28th, when a potions class went wrong. Professor Slughorn was always prone to seating charts and arrangements, and unfortunately he didn't always get it right. For example, back in second year he had paired Lily and James at a table, and within ten minutes Lily had screamed at him until her voice was hoarse and then James added a bad ingredient and their potion exploded which caused Lily to end up in the hospital wing with burns on her left hand which had left a faint scar.

This was another one of those times, when Slughorn had redone his seating chart and paired Severus Snape and Chloé Laurent together

"No!" the Veela cried, whirling towards their Professor "Sir, I cannot sit with him! He's an insufferable, insane, greasy-haired twat who I hate and who hates me!"

"Chloe, sometimes working with those who we do not often work with creates friendships we never expected" her Professor replied, tapping his stubby nose thoughtfully as if he had just made some philosophical revelation

"Yes, sir, but in this case the only thing that will be created is a nightmare for Madam Pomfery when I admit Snivellus to the Hospital Wing with some broken ribs" said Chloé

"I am not changing my chart, Chloe, so I suggest you take your seats with the rest of the class" he said sternly before bustling over to his desk, so with a loud groan, Chloé made her way to her new-assigned table where Snape was already waiting for her

They shared a loathing look before sitting down, and Chloé immediately started to scribble in her notebook. She ripped the page out and 'carelessly' tossed it over her shoulder to land on the table behind them where Sirius and Kendall were sitting.

Sirius unrolled the crumpled paper and snorted when he read his friend's cursive, gorgeously near handwriting.

Save me please!

His hair grease is spilling onto my robes

Professor Slughorn had began to explain the uses and recipe to make a Pepperup Potion, and when he set each pair off to start working, that was when things really began to go wrong. "Get the crushed roaches" was how it began from Chloé, who was more interested in maintaining her high grades than entertaining an argument.

Severus rolled his eyes and reluctantly headed to the supply cupboard so that Chloé could start setting up the cauldron and started to chop the mandrake roots. When he returned he pored over the instructions written in his copy of Intermediate Potions Making, Standard Edition

He watched Chloé measure out the amount of roots which she added to their cauldron, and then she turned to the beetle eyes which she was supposed to cut. Unfortunately the eyes were slimy and hard to cut into, which resulted in a lot of swearing from Chloé. 

Severus, understanding French, rolled his eyes at her stubbornness and sighed loudly. "You're doing it wrong" 

Chloé, frustrated from her lack of success rounded on him angrily. "What?"

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