Chapter 7

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Whilst Chloé may not have been the most popular or social student at Hogwarts, she was well loved by every teacher at Hogwarts, which meant every Christmas she found herself in Professor Slughorn's office for his famous Christmas party

Slughorn's parties were known for being a tad boring or stuffy, but out of politeness Chloé would go every year and this year she had decided to go with Regulus since he always tried to skip out

"I look ridiculous" he was whining as he tugged at his dress robes collar. At home he often wore them for his parents's fancy dinners and events, but at school he loved not wearing them.

"You look fine" replied Chloé, fiddling with the hem of her dress. She had chosen out a light blue silk wrap dress which tied in the back with a thin silk ribbon belt and the flowing skirt ended just above her knees

The pair made their way into Slughorn's magically expanded office, and the moment Chloé crossed the threshold it was as if a charm had been placed upon everyone in the vicinity and all of their gazes were entrapped by the pair who had just walked inside. Chloé and Regulus were two of the best looking students at Hogwarts, and together they seemed almost ethereal.

Chloé's silky silver hair and light blue dress made her almost glow and she looked like an angel, and Regulus contrasted her sharply with his jet black hair and black dress robes, which made him look like a devil. A Laurent and a Black together was a powerful match and everyone knew that.

However, not all of those gazes were happy one, particularly those of James, Remus, and Sirius, who were staring at Regulus as if he was dirt on the bottom of their shoes. They may not have been on good terms with Chloé but that didn't mean they approved of her and Regulus acting like a couple

Chloé immediately began to feel shy under the spotlight and Regulus was quick to start walking towards the bar so that they could blend into the crowd and avert some attention off of them, which did seem to work mostly

"Thank you" the Veela whispered 

"Anytime" he grinned as he sipped on his butterbeer

"Chlo!" cried Lily Evans as she pushed her way through the crowd towards her roommate "Hi! How are you? You look amazing!"

"Thank you" smiled Chloé "You look amazing too, and please don't tell me you're here with James"

"I still have a brain, so no" said Lily "Apparently he and Sirius managed to snag dates with two fifth year girls who were invited, because they wanted to spike the pumpkin juice"

"Tacky" chuckled Regulus 

"But on the bright side, Kendall is here too" continued Lily "She and Sev are just speaking to Professor Slughorn about some homework we have coming up"

Chloé smiled stiffly and Regulus excused himself to go and find his fellow Slytherin, so Lily and Chloé decided to mingle with some of their other classmates, and they ended up sneaking champagne off of the waiters to drink it in the ladies room. These parties were impossible to get through without at least some alcohol in a person.

She, Lily, and Kendall were stumbling back towards the bar when Chloé found herself tripping headfirst into what felt like a brick wall

"Merde [shit]" she cussed, rubbing at her forehead. Only after looking up did she discover that it was not a brick wall she had run into actually, but was actually Remus "Remy! Mon loup! [My wolf!]"

Remus chuckled at his friend's disheveled state and he quickly secured an arm around her waist so that she didn't trip or fall or end up on the floor in any way. "Are you okay?"

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