Chapter 3

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Lily Evans and Chloé Laurent had long been friends, for over three years in fact, and during those three years something they had bonded over strongly was their anger at the Marauders's constant pranks and irritating behaviour

So Lily, and everyone else, were shocked when the Marauders sauntered in for breakfast, and Chloé Laurent was under Remus Lupin's arm. Chloé herself was nervous about the attention, since usually she just snuck into the hall and snuck out quickly after the meals

"You know, for once I don't think a single person here is looking at Sirius," James said, noticing the way every boy in the hall had their eyes fixed on the blonde next to Remus. 

Sirius huffed and pushed his dark hair out of his face "Well the veela charm is cheating" 

"Sure it is," Chloé giggled as they sat down 

"It is! I can get any girl in Hogwarts with or without being a veela" He shrugged

"Yeah but Chloé doesn't need to try" James said 

"Who have you actually gone out with?" Sirius asked the blonde opposite him "Surely you've had any guy you wanted"

"None" Chloé answered honestly, and Peter, James, and Sirius dropped their forks and spoons in a clutter, staring at her in shock "What?"

"You. A veela. Has never dated anyone?" Sirius asked, eyes wide

"Yes," she nodded

"Why not?" He asked "You could have any guy in here"

"Are you proposing yourself?" Remus grinned and Sirius's cheeks flushed pink nervously

"N-no, of course not" He said, eyes darting everywhere but at Chloé, and Remus raised his eyebrows with a smug look "J-just saying"

"I don't want anyone," Chloé answered, saving him more embarrassment "Simple"

"Not even our dear Moony?" Peter asked

Remus and Chloé shared an amused glance at that. Chloé's family may not have been a prejudiced, traditional pureblood family, but her father still held high expectations for her and her future. He expected her to marry well and have veela children. 

"Well actually we agreed that if neither of us are married by 30, we'll get married" Remus explained and if it was possible, Sirius's jaw dropped further down. If only they could see how much further his heart dropped too

"Oh, Pads, I'm going down to the quidditch pitch later to practice before tryouts this weekend" James suddenly interrupted "You joining?"

"Can't tonight. I got detention with Slughorn for being late" he explained "Chloé, do you play?"

"I used to, but I haven't played at Hogwarts" she explained

"You should try out" he suggested

"No," she said, too quickly for their liking. Chloé enjoyed blending in at Hogwarts and not having all the attention on her. If she played for Gryffindor, she was sure that would end up happening

"I think you should," Remus said unexpectedly and her head snapped towards him in shock "I've watched you play, mon oiseau, and you're good. At least try out and if you hate it, you can quit. Please."

"Fine," Chloé sighed and Remus grinned. She could never say no to him. 

And on Saturday, Remus found himself dragging her by the sleeve down to the quidditch pitch. They had used their first Hogsmeade weekend to go buy her a broom, and the benefit of having money was that she could buy the best one. So Chloé was carrying her broom, and whining and complaining as Remus forced her to go

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