Chapter 22

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Sneaking around each week was becoming harder as the weeks of term wore on. Chloé couldn't always use the excuse of career meetings, or late night snack runs to the kitchens without drawing suspicion, so she and Professor McGonagall had resorted to fake detentions instead. It was enough to alleviate most concerns, but Sirius seemed to be the only one who still didn't believe her.

Chloé was a top student, and all of this running off and getting detention was very unlike her. Her performance in every other class was still ace, but homework was frazzling her to the point that her hair sometimes looked almost dull.

Usually she had all of her work planned out to be done in time for classes, but with the Professors doubling the amount of work for their OWLs, James and Sirius's insistence on early quidditch training, and private lessons with Professor McGonagall, she felt like she was running on fumes and they were only a few weeks in.

To her friends, it felt like they never really spent time with her anymore, which was why Sirius was glad Professor Slughorn had placed the two of them together in potions this term.

"How many times do I stir this thing?" he was currently whinging in their lesson "My arm is beginning to hurt"

Chloé rolled her eyes, scribbling down the final sentence of her Arthimancy homework, which was their next class. "Until I say so" she said, tucking the parchment into her bag and turning to their work "Merlin, Sirius! It's supposed to be light blue not dark! You stirred it too much!"

"You didn't stop me!" he cried back, dropping the mixing spoon

She groaned, putting her head in her hands "I'm sorry, I got distracted. Look just add some more boomslang skin, it should reverse it"

Sirius frowned, but did as he was told. "Chlo, what's going on with you?" he asked quietly

"Nothing" she said, twisting her unusually messy hair into a bun "I'm just stressed with quidditch and OWLs. Fifth year doesn't come easy to those of us who aren't Lily"

He snorted. "Tell me about it. I'm already planning my excuse for not finishing my potions homework for next week"

"We haven't been assigned potions homework yet" frowned Chloé

Her partner grinned. "I know, but I also know I'm never going to get it done in time. Wood announced that quidditch try outs will be that weekend and I'm going to spend every moment on that pitch beforehand. Do you want to join me?"

Chloé closed her eyes for a moment, and sucked in a deep breath. "Sure, yeah"

"If you don't want to, you don't have to" he said 

"No I want to, but my schedule is just packed" replied Chloé

"Black, Laurent" chortled Professor Slughorn as he waddled over, his stomach nearly bursting out of his ridiculously tight waistcoat and peered over their cauldron. "Ah, another splendid potion, Laurent. I'm sure Black helped of course"

Sirius chuckled. "As much as I could, Professor. But there isn't much to do when this genius is in charge"

He grinned at his partner, and Chloé tried to reciprocate his enthusiasm, but she felt bad. All she had done was bark orders at him while she did her own work, so really he should be the one taking credit for their success.

"He was actually amazing" Chloé added, and their Professor raised his eyebrows in surprise

"Well, Black, nice to see some more effort in you after all these years of trouble" Slughorn chuckled, his belly rumbling as he did. "I am hosting my first Slughorn dinner of the year tonight, and you, Laurent are of course invited."

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