Chapter 17

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June at Hogwarts was always the most beautiful time of the year. It was the only month of school where the Scottish, dreary, clouds parted and sunshine came through, warming the earth beneath it.

Students took to spending all of their free time outside of their common rooms, and the Black lakeshores were always busy.

First years stood by the edges, telling tales of the rumoured Giant Squid, and tried to spot it. The older students occasionally pushed a first year in, and then warned them that the squid liked to prey on first years.

The chaos that ensued was always good fun for everyone else.

Including, the Marauders, who, like every other student, had come to lie on the grass outside and enjoy themselves after a long month of exams.

"I tell you what" said James, his eyes closed and hands under his head. "After that terrible potions exam I thought I would never feel any joy again"

Around him, his friends rolled their eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Prongs. It took literally two hours and you didn't even fail" said Remus

James sighed. "That is two hours I could have spent with Lilypad. Or, on the quidditch pitch. Either way the exam was a waste of my time. You're only defending it because you know you got Os and Es in every subject"

The werewolf grinned. "True. And maybe if you had put some work in, you would too. And getting good grades might actually impress Lily"

His friend waved him away dismissively and lay back down. 

"Speaking of, where are the girls?" asked Sirius, his eyes scanning the lakeshore around them.

He had expected them to be out here too, but could not see nor hear them anywhere nearby, which was surprising since practically the rest of Hogwarts was here.

Peter raised his eyebrows. "Are you looking for any girl in particular, Pads? Blonde, pretty, you never stop staring at her-"

A handful of grass was launched his way, and he earned a scowl from Sirius. "No. I'm just curious because they've been here every other day"

It was true, and Remus frowned too. Chloé had told him that they would join the boys soon, but that had been at least two hours ago, and the sky was beginning to go orange as the sunset approached.

The boys agreed to wait another hour to see if they would turn up, but soon enough the sky was disappearing behind the vast mountains of the landscape, and the chill of the night was beginning to set in. So, the four boys packed up their things and returned to the castle.

They checked the Great Hall first since dinner was being served, but even once the plates had disappeared, their friends had not appeared. Now, they were beginning to worry, so they decided to search for them.

And lo and behold, Chloé, Lily, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, and Kendall were all found in the library, tucked away in a corner, whispering quietly.

"Hello, ladies!" exclaimed James, putting on his best smile. Immediately, their hushed voices stopped, and they all looked at him. "We've been looking for you everywhere, we thought you guys died"

Dorcas scoffed. "Come on, Potter. You just wanted to see Lily didn't you?"

He flushed, causing the red-headed girl to scowl. "Well you found us, Potter, now bugger off"

James's smile dropped, and beside him, Sirius cackled. "Better luck next time, Prongs"

"Nope" said Lily, shaking her head. "Now, seriously, you lot can go. We're busy"

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