Chapter 13

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Notice: Okay, so I still haven't decided on the main love interest , whether to make this a reverse harem or not and so on. So, please leave your opinion as I am indecisive as fuck :(

"Chishiya talked to you?"

Arisu nodded, "he said...he said he had a plan, and that I would play a vital role in it."

Karube frowned, "what's he plan on doing?"

"Stealing Hatter's cards."

Usagi's eyes widened, "steal? But– How–"

"He hasn't told me yet, said he's waiting for the right time."

Karube tapped his foot, "Hatter just left, is he gonna do it now?"

"He hasn't reached out to me yet."

You internally sighed. You had hoped that Chishiya would pick someone else aside from Arisu after failing to manipulate you. You didn't want Arisu to suffer through all that. You knew and felt guilty, yet you couldn't bring yourself to speak up and stop him.

"Y/n? What do you think?"

Usagi's voice made you snap to attention, and you found three pairs of eyes trained on you.

"Y/n? Are you alright?"

By reflex, you plastered a smile on your face, hoping it was a comforting one, "yeah, I'm okay. Uh, I think..." you swallowed, "I think it's a great idea."


"Realistic. Productive." You added.

Usagi slowly started nodding along, "I agree, it's not like we have any other choice."

Karube sighed, "I don't like it."

You didn't either, but what other way did we have? As if reading your mind, Arisu smiled.

"I don't either, but what other choice do we have?"

After your impromptu meeting, the four of you made your way to the buffet to grab some food for lunch. You still felt slightly guilty at practically throwing Arisu under the bus, but you had managed to push it to the back of your mind.

You snickered at Karube piling his plate full of food. For a person who looked so against joining 'The Beach', he seemed pretty content now. You hummed, filling your own plate with food.

Just as you were reaching for the tongs to scoop some noodles, a hand bumped into yours. Looking up, you saw a bambi-eyed girl with short hair.

You mumbled an apology, gesturing for her to go first.

"It's you!"

You blinked, "It's me...?"

"The one that saved me from the electrical wires!"

You remembered. "Oh! Yeah, hi."

She placed her plate down on the counter and bowed at a 90 degree angle. "Thank you for saving me!"

You immediately tried to hush her down, feeling the stares of other people.

"It's okay, uh, you're welcome..."

She looked so grateful, and you let the warm bubbly feeling rise in your stomach. It's great, doing something nice and having them thank you...or maybe you were just attention starved. Semantics.

A sultry voice emitted from behind you, "she saved you?"

You didn't even bother to hide your groan as you turned around, coming face to face with the one and only Chishiya Shuntaro.

He waved, before peeking behind you and slightly raising his voice, "Hey, Arisu!"

The bambi-eyed girl was still staring at Chishiya, flushing a crimson red, she managed to stutter out, "y...yes, she saved me! I was going to touch the electrical wires, but she stopped me!"

Chishiya looked at her like she was the dumbest person to ever walk this Earth, and you smacked him upon seeing his expression.

He grunted, face now indifferent but eyes glaring at you.

"Where's Kuina?" You questioned, looking behind him to see if she's there.

"We're not always together, you know."

You shrugged, "most of the time you are."

The bambi girl was still there, mouth opening and closing as if she wanted to say something but couldn't force it out.

"Yes?" Chishiya probed.

You wanted to smack him again and tell him to play nice, but you held back as he could still ultimately screw you over with one sentence to the higher-ups.

The girl finally spoke, growing even redder if that was possible, " you, um, want to have a d-drink with me?"

Releasing a shaky breath, she waited in anticipation for his response.

Barely a second after the words left her mouth, he replied, "no thanks."

Tears immediately springing to her eyes, she sped off, leaving her plate of steaming food on the counter.

"Would it kill you to be a little nicer?"

"Probably." Came the reply.

"Y/n? What happened?" Arisu queried as he eyed the crying girl running away.

"Nothing." You glanced at Chishiya, "the lil' shit was being an asshole, made a girl cry."

Arisu had a hint of a smile on his face while Chishiya narrowed his eyes.

"Don't call me that."

" 'Shiya."

"Not that either."

"Well it's one or the other, take your pick."

"Just don't call for me."

"Sure, whatever you say, 'Shiya."

Chishiya, seeming to not have the energy to bicker with you any longer, sent you a warning glare before stepping away.

Arisu watched him leave, before looking back at you. "You two seem close."

You crossed your arms, "not close. Acquaintances."

Arisu huffed out a light laugh, before giving you a once over, presumably scanning for any new injuries.

"You don't need to keep doing that. I'm not always hurt."

He raised an eyebrow, starting to walk away while you fell into step with him, "you have no sense of self-preservation. I have to check."

"I do! I preserve myself very well!"

He hummed, before lightly patting your head, "sure, sure."

You narrowed your eyes at him, before ultimately deciding to spend your time looking at food instead. Usagi and Karube were already seated when Arisu and you arrived. The food smelled amazing and it was safe to say you had an amazing lunch. 

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