Chapter 30

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You tuned out the instructions as per usual, and gazed at the old lady who was hunched in the corner while trying your damnedest to ignore Banda's stare drilling holes into you.

At Chishiya's nudge, you glanced back to see an amused smile playing on his lips. You dreaded his next words.

"I didn't take you for a murderer," he whispered, "have I misjudged you?"

"I'm not a murderer now, but I will be if you don't shut the fuck up."


You glared, still hung up over the old woman wrongfully accusing you. She had it all wrong, in fact, you saved her life. The thought made you even more pissed, and you turned to glare daggers at her.

Ippei started talking beside you, so you tore your gaze away.

"Wait a sec. So that means we just have to ask each other what our symbols are!" He turned around, a delighted smile stretched across his lips as he regarded you and Chishiya, "that's easy, right?"

Your heart softened a bit, he reminded you of a puppy. You made up your mind to save him.

"I'm not so sure," Chishiya stated dryly, "they haven't told us what the win conditions are."

'Be aware that your opponent, the Jack of Hearts, has already been placed among you.'

Involuntarily, your eyes roamed to search for Enji, and when you realised, you pinned your gaze onto the screen instead, desperate to not give yourself away.

Unease started rippling through the crowd, and Chishiya hummed, satisfied, "oh, that's good."

Ippei shot him a concerned look and you bit back a smile.

'How to win: The round repeats every hour. You win the game when the Jack of Hearts dies.'

You saw a male struggling not too far away from you, trying desperately to peek at the symbol on the back of his collar. You huffed, slightly amused.

'Prohibited actions: Looking at the symbol with a reflective surface is cheating.'

The frantic male, who has now been reduced to a fidgety mess, peeked at the dome camera, before rapidly turning away.

'Players may not use weapons or violence to kill other players.'

You raised a brow at that. When watching this scene through a screen, you don't think too much about the instructions, opting to just relax and let the scenes unfold before you. However, being in the game was different. You noticed the instructions stated that you weren't allowed to kill others with violence, but hurting others is still an option.

"This means the only way this game will ever end is if the Jack gives the wrong answer," Chishiya glanced at you and Ippei, "so basically, no one here is getting out alive unless they lie to the Jack."

You forced yourself to not look for Enji.

'There is no limit for the rounds.'

A shout rang out. "No limit?!"

Your mouth quirked up again at the sight of the frantic male.

'Enough food has been provided.'

Your mind wandered to the shelves stacked with food, and then briefly entertained yourself by imagining what would happen if the food did run out. Would they let you guys starve? Would they risk sending someone in with food and water? Would everyone go crazy for the last sip of water or last bite of food?

'While participating in this game, no days will be removed from your VISAs.'

Chishiya hummed, "we need to start lying, find the Jack, and then kill them off." He nodded, as if this information was semi-entertaining, "if not, we'll live the rest of our days in this prison."

Ippei looked very, very concerned, and when he caught your eye, you gestured at Chishiya and made a loopy motion next to your head.

As if to prove your point, Chishiya continued, "solitary for life."

You grinned, and Ippei gave a tentative smile back.

'The game will now commence. Round one. You can roam freely until it is time to enter your cell.'

You glanced at the count-down displayed on the screen and sighed.

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