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"Hey. You haven't told him you'll be dead in five years?" Angel said, Aki looked at him confused.

"Who told you that?" Aki said.

"Power." Angel said. Y/N was following behind them, but suddenly she paused and looked at Aki. Since neither of them saw her, they continued to talking.

"Are you really going to die?" Y/N said. Aki's eyes widened slightly and he stopped, Angel grit his teeth and looked at Aki. Aki slowly turned back with his mouth open and looked at Y/N, Y/N was just watching him.

"Th..-That's not true. This is just a possibility, nothing bad will happen." Aki said. Y/N watched his face for a while and shook her head. Aki really didn't know what to say this time, he couldn't lie, he was going to die soon.

"I promis-"

"AKI!! WE NEED YOU DOWNSTAIRS, STAT!!!!" Suddenly they heard a man yelling. Aki looked desperately at Y/N and quickly turned around to follow the man, Angel followed after him too. Y /N didn't move, just watched the ground and listened to their shouting, she didn't want to believe what she was hearing, she couldn't lose another person. While she was starting to see Aki as her family, she couldn't stand seeing him die either. While Y/N was about to start walking slowly, she suddenly fell to the ground with the explosion of the building.

The building didn't completely collapsed, Y/N started running out. Y/N quickly left the building and noticed Aki standing in front of the car, Aki quickly helped Y/N get into the trunk and closed it. Y/N waited in the trunk, she couldn't see anything. It wasn't a place where she could breathe much, but it was the only way she could fit in the car. Aki started to drive and continued to drive for a while. He was driving fast and had to speed past cars.

Y/N could hear explosions but there was nothing she could do, she just waited. The car had stopped suddenly and stayed like that for a while, but Aki suddenly continued to drive. Y/N took off the hairpin and opened the trunk and clung to something inside the trunk and started to watch the cars. She looked up in the direction of the explosions, and it was as if bombs were exploding in the air and were heading towards the car.

The devil attacking them stood on top of the truck behind their car and watched their car. Devil suddenly jumped on top of their car, Y/N quickly closed the trunk and waited inside. Y/N understood that Denji transformed, she began to hear the sound of a saw. She understood that they were all going to fight, and she tried to think of what Kishibe had said, but she was thinking of Aki. She didn't want him to die, even if it's 5 years later.

The sounds of the explosions got louder, the car started to go even faster, and suddenly the car turned in another direction. The car suddenly stopped and Aki opened the trunk door, helped Y/N out of the trunk and looked at Angel.

"Stay here with her." Aki said, Angel nodded. Y/N looked up at the sky and could see Denji and Devil fighting while Aki disappeared. Y/N looked at the dying people, Angel started walking towards them.

"Kid, you can control blood right? Take their blood." Angel said, Y/N nodded. Angel was apologizing to them and while Y/N was taking their blood, Angel was touching them and slowly killing them. Y/N was using too much strength as she had taken all their blood, so she felt her movements were getting harder, but she could hold on.

Angel saw Denji lying on the floor. Denji's arms, half of his bod was gone. Angel made a sign with his hand for Y/N to come, Y/N gave half the blood to Denji.

"ANY ORDINARY DEVIL WOULD BE DEAD!!" Denji suddenly yelled and got up, the shark guy looked at Denji proudly.

"THAT'S MY LORD CHAINSAW!! HE'S THE BADASS-EST!!" Beam yelled again and watched Denji. Angel looked around and sighed.

"Your girlfriend is killing too many people. Leave her loose like this, and many people will die. Choose, chainsaw. Do you let her kill you without a fight, mitigating casualties.....Or do you kill her?" Angel said. Denji slowly got up from the ground, Y/N kept watching them.

"Pretty easy choice if you ask me! Reze's insanely string though..." Denji said. Reze? Which Reze? Y/N thought and looked at them confused.

"Shark. You seem to know about chainsaw devil. If you want to live through the day, you need to tell us as much as you can." Angel said, beam watched the ground for a while then looked at Angel.

"Lord chainsaw...Ultra fast...But when he moves, he use more than feet! He used chainsaw chain to move! He threw and hook chain, move from building to building." Beam said as they kept talking, Y/N walked away. Y/N walked over to Aki and looked at Devil, the devil looked like a giant doll. Y/N and Aki looked up to see Denji sitting on top of Beam. Beam had turned into a shark, and Denji was sitting on top of him.

"DENJI?!" Aki yelled and contuined watching them confused. But suddenly, with the force of an explosion, everyone began to be dragged backwards. Y/N tied a rope she made with her blood to the pole and grabbed onto the rope, looking at Aki and Angel. Y/N was about to fall to the ground but was quite far from Aki and Angel.

"GRAB ONTO SOMETHING!!" Aki yelled and looked at Angel, Angel shook his head.

"NO! I CAN'T!" Angel yelled. Aki gripped the pole with one hand and grabbed Angel by the shirt with the other.

"IT'S FINE! JUST LET ME GO ALREADY! IF I'M GOING TO DIE THEN THAT'S FINE! TODAY WAS JUST MY TIME TO DIE! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN READY TO DIE!" Angel yelled and looked at Aki. Aki let go of Angel and Angel closed his eyes after staring at him in shock, but Aki suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to him, holding him tightly in his arm. Y/N watched them in horror and just as she was about to let go of the rope, she tied the rope around her waist and just watched them.

"HOW MUCH LIFE DID I LOSE JUST NOW?!" Aki yelled and kept holding him tightly.

"About 2 months..." Angel said. Y/N continued to watch them silently for a while and then turned her gaze back to Denji and Reze. She was already feeling pretty weak from the power she had just used, but she needed to help Denji, she didn't want him to die early either...

1168 words...

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