Check Your Feelings

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There's a clawing under my skin that's refused to go away ever since David pulled away from my house

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There's a clawing under my skin that's refused to go away ever since David pulled away from my house. I don't pretend to not understand where it comes from. It's the same feeling I get every time Hayvin and I have an argument. It happened the night of the cookout at Charlie and Keaton's a year ago when we had a huge blow-up once we got back to my place.

It's not lost on me that most of our fights, which are very few, revolve around one person, but what the fuck am I supposed to do? Cut one of my friends out of my life? She's my best friend's twin sister, for fuck's sake. The shit is just all ridiculous. Hayvin was coming at me like there's something she's got to worry about between me and Jerica.

It's not like that with us.

The last thing I ever expected was for Jerica and Reggie to split up. Again, anyway. Those two were crazy in love the last time I talked to them. There was even talk about getting married. I wasn't sure it was a smart move for her because there's always been something about that guy that I don't like, but it's not my place.

There was a time when I thought there might be something between us. Right before me and Charlie had our fling, she thought I was in love with Jerica and said I should tell her. The girl was crazy, but when I had to go out of town on business with her and David, and learned she and Reggie were taking a break for some asinine reason, I figured I'd put some feelers out. She politely rejected me, told me she was in love with Reggie, and that she saw me as her brother. Not gonna lie. That shit stung, but once I was out of her presence, I realized she was right. I let Charlie get into my head or some shit because the only thing I felt for Jerica was mild annoyance that she rejected me and affection because she's my best friend's little sister.

I'm not sure why everyone else wants to fucking see something that's not there.

"Hayvin doing okay?" David asks quietly. "Usually she's at the door when you leave."

It doesn't hit me until he mentions it.

This time, she didn't walk me to the door.

Anytime I've had to go on business trips with David over the past three years, she'd make sure that we got every second together, right down to the moment I walked out. Even before she moved in with me, I would make her come over and stay the night before I left. It became something that I look forward to anytime I'd leave the house. Knowing that I was that important to someone did crazy things to me. After the past I grew up with and the shitty, cold house I grew up in, having that set my blood on fire.

So, why the fuck didn't I realize my girl wasn't at my door this time?

I fold my arms over my chest and glare out the window. "She's upset."

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