A Dream Come True

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Tossing the familiar envelope on the counter, I go through the rest of the mail

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Tossing the familiar envelope on the counter, I go through the rest of the mail. It's mostly junk except for a few bills, so I sort them into their appropriate piles. I open the bills, mark them off on the calendar, and then throw the junk mail in the trash.

I eye the invitation, debating whether to open it or not. It's not like I'm not going to the award show. It'd be rude not to after the band graciously bought my song.

It's just that it's so lonely sometimes doing it without the man I loved.



Shit. I can't tell if I should use that term in the past or present. It's not like my love for him magically disappeared after his betrayal. As much as I wanted it to, emotions didn't work that way for me. Some people may be able to walk away, but I've never been one of them. Not without fighting until I have no fight left. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm wired differently than others because things that don't bother me seem to bother others, and vice versa.

Alek's friendship with Jerica has always been a contention between us, and they've never even slept together-not that I know of. His friendship with Charlie doesn't bother me and never has once I got past the initial surprise.

People have pasts. Feelings change, attraction fades, friendships remain, and life moves on. I've never found anything strange about that.

Everleigh asked me once if I was genuinely okay with his friendship with Charlie. The question shocked me because I didn't understand why she was asking it.

"I know you said you were okay with it, Vinnie, but I need to know if you really are or if you're just saying that because you care so much about Alek and think this is the only way you get him."

Despite her words coming from a good place, they aggravated and hurt me. I took my time answering her, hoping that I could find the right words to help her understand.

"Why wouldn't I be, Ever?"

"Um...because he had a friends-with-benefits thing going with her."

"Okay, and? Ever, that was before me and him. He has a past. So do I. Shoot, I still talk to your brother, and we were actually serious about each other for a long time. Everyone has a past, but who am I to hold it against him? It wouldn't be fair. Charlie doesn't make me uncomfortable. She doesn't react to Alek with anything other than friendly affection, nor does he. If he hadn't told me about their history, I'd have never known it because there is no sign of anything more between them. Charlie is crazy about Keaton. Alek and Charlie never cross lines, hang out without me or Keaton, or talk on the phone without telling either of us. When it comes to that friendship, Alek and Charlie always make sure Keaton and I come first. They've never once disrespected us with their friendship, and I have this gut feeling they never will. I have issues with his friendship with Jerica. The one he hasn't slept with."

Not Your Just Becauseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें