Chapter Five

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"Y/N!" he shouted, this time knowing for a fact she was in trouble.

It would take more than a common lock to keep the soldier out. With a quick and calculated kick to the door, the crack of the lock busted against the wood and splintered the threshold.

The scene in front of him instantly switched him into fight mode.

After a struggle that Y/N didn't even have time to apprehend, she was put into a headlock by one woman who must have already been in the room before her. And the woman that had walked past Bucky a minute before was trying to hold her legs down as she fished for something in her pocket. Upon hearing the crash of the door caving in, the one attempting to wrangle Y/N's legs turned at the intrusion and a fiendish smile twisted on her face.

"Let her go," Bucky warned in a deep and intense tone, taking a step in.

"She's not yours to have," the woman responded naturally, instantly throwing a punch that Bucky deflected.

She wasn't an easy fight. The normal techniques he would use were too simple for her. Clearly, she was trained and ready to take on an opponent upon coming here.

Bucky was punching and ducking as his hand went into the wall instead of her gut at one point.

The whole time, Y/N was trying to escape the stronghold the other woman held on her.

"Stop fighting you little rat!" the woman groaned as Y/N never relented in squirming in her embrace.

Then as if a muscle memory fled back, Y/N's foot came down hard on the woman's shoe causing her to ease her grip on her. Taking the split second of a surprise to her advantage, she twisted the arm from around her neck into an unnatural bend and stared into the woman's eyes as she knew she had the upper hand.

The women looked back in shock. Out of all the people this enemy expected to have to put up a fight against, it wasn't the meek woman they had come for.

In front of the assailant stood an angry and hurt person that shared a full 180 of the girl they had brought to the facility a week ago.

But instead of continuing her fight, it was like the realization of her actions clicked. As soon as that awareness locked in, she blacked out. The next thing she knew, the woman was thrown into the wall so hard, the ceramic around her outlined her figure as it caved in.

Y/N was appalled at the scene as she couldn't imagine herself doing that. She didn't know how to fight... Or at least she didn't remember being one to hold her own.

Bucky had incapacitated the other girl at the same time Y/N had with her own opponent, and when he turned to hear the loud crash that showed the woman unconscious and embedded in the wall, his eyes grew.

He hadn't known what had happened since his back was to her at the time, but his first thought didn't go toward Y/N being the person in charge of the scene.

She was in just as much shock as him; it looked like she was staring at the incident frightened and taken aback just as much as him.

Instantly jumping into action to cover the scene, he grabbed Y/N's arms gently, but frantically, and moved her to the opposite wall away from it all. She was in shock from it all while watching as he went through their pockets and bags for any evidence. 

While he did that, he dialed Steve's number and gave him a quick rundown of what had happened. When he had taken all the precautions to keep them there until a squad could come to pick them up, he turned back to Y/N while on the phone.

"I got to get her out of here," he said softly toward Steve, not looking away from where she was covering her mouth with her hands, shaking, and tears on the brink of overflowing in her eyes.

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