Chapter Twelve

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"Tony," Steve stated. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting in Manhattan today."

"I did. It finished early. And by early I mean, I left because it was boring," he smirked in a brazen way. "What about you two?"

"No need for casualties. Get to the point, Stark," Bucky rolled his eyes, his intense-stare-stance quickly taking over. "You came down here to figure something out, so what was it?" he crossed his arms.

"Pushy, pushy," Tony groaned. When neither of the men humored him, he rolled his eyes and stood up, buttoning his suit jacket. "I may have overheard you coming down here to question the convict and wanted to see for myself what you came up with." Again, neither said anything as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. "So... What did you come up with?" he pushed on with an impatient tone.

"We were asking about her employers," Bucky spoke up, being vague.

"I got that much," Tony huffed, sitting on the corner of the metal table before interlacing his fingers. "She mentioned something about other enhanced?"

"Apparently whoever was running the labs Y/N was a part of has an obsession with those that have the mutation gene, though that wasn't anything new to our research," Steve stepped in.

They had to be careful not to tell him too much as they knew he would become defensive on the spot if there was even a whisper of possible spying with enhanced beings like Bucky had thought. If Stark thought for a second that his highly secured compound could have been infiltrated, then they were setting themselves and Y/N up for a whirlwind of changes.

"So what is new to our research?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"You heard what we heard, didn't you?" Bucky snarked.

"I did, but I missed some of the questions you asked to begin this little interrogation," Tony said back, his patience growing minuscule by the second. "However, my question is... Why are you so worried about the other enhanced?"

Bucky furrowed his eyebrows at the question and Steve too was confused by it. Why wouldn't they be worried about other enhanced?

"Unless," Tony went on, showing he knew something. "I don't know. Maybe they've found her?"

"What are you getting at Tony?" Steve played along, knowing what he was hinting at.

"You tell me," he pushed, giving them one last chance to confess to their true intentions, but neither was budging. "Fine. Friday informed me that you were checking the security camera from last night on the west side of the compound. Why was that?"

"Why do you care?" Bucky said with a blank expression.

"Because I think you found something, and you're hiding it from me. You two not answering my original question having to do with your interrogation on our one lead, goes to show you are hiding something."

Bucky rolled his eyes trying to seem unconcerned with the fact Tony was catching onto them.

"Why don't you do your own snooping and figure it out if you're so worried about it?" Bucky shot back, turning around and making his way to the exit.

"Because we're a team, Sergeant Barnes. And the purpose of being a team is to communicate and work with each other," Tony shouted at his back.

Bucky stopped in his step and turned back to him in his spot.

"You've never acted like I was a part of this team before. So why so hellbent on it now?" Bucky shot back.

The two stood staring at each other. The tension became more and more unnerving by the second.

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