Chapter Eighteen

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There wasn't much room left for argument quickly after Tony excused himself, saying he would be downstairs getting Y/N her own personal tablet to look through notes and files.

Y/N wasn't sure what that consisted of, but Bucky had a feeling how all this was going to go.

After lunch, they dropped by Bucky's room where Y/N grabbed a clean set of clothes after never being given the chance to change since the walk this morning.

Wanda and Nat headed straight to the cell going to talk with Stark about what they had learned. With Y/N's permission of course. A day ago she was waiting to tell others about what they experimented on and discovered since it was all still up in the air.

Now she had learned double the amount of things in the last few hours than they had in the last three days. So the need to keep it on the down low was pointless, especially considering close to every agent in the building had access to the video footage of her blocking a bullet with a fogged purple force and incapacitating a man who was invisible.

While Bucky sat at the end of the bed, waiting while Y/N was in the bathroom changing, he fidgetted with his hands. He had some things he wanted to say and ask her before they left, but a part of him didn't know if they were pushing the boundary of her having a choice in the matter.

She came out in a pair of jeans and a white button-down pullover. She had pulled her hair up as best as she could but was pushing back the stray pieces as she was still learning how to manage the shorter hair.

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While she moved back to the bathroom, forgetting something but leaving the door open, Bucky took it as a chance

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While she moved back to the bathroom, forgetting something but leaving the door open, Bucky took it as a chance.

"Y/N?" he questioned and she popped her head out the doorway, showing he had her attention. "Is this," he hesitated, "Are you sure you-?" Each time he cut himself off, hearing what type of question he trying to ask and each time also hearing Nat's voice in his head.

She smiled to herself before grabbing what she needed and walking into the room. She stood across from him where he was at the foot of the bed, facing the back of the couch. She leaned against the couch and placed both hands on the ridge of the back of the navy fabric and looked at him with a kind smile.

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