Chapter Nineteen

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When they walked back through the door back to the briefing room, Y/N seemed to snap out of her silence and intimidating looks. Instantly, she seemed shaken and somewhat surprised at how she handled the situation.

"Did you remember his name for yourself?" Nat asked. "Because that was a great power move."

"No, nothing really came back to me. I just remembered his name from the file and thought it would freak him out to hear me say it," she said as if she was out of breath from the adrenaline likely coursing through her.

"She's a natural," Nat said in a prideful tone.

"You ok?" Bucky ignored Nat's questions and came to Y/N's side.

"I'm ok," she nodded, looking up at him. "But I can't really say if I remember him still."

"That's ok. You did more than we expected you to. It was impressive," he smiled in a comforting manner.

"Well, it seems that he knows you a little more personally than we thought," Tony jutted in. "Looks like he wasn't just a hitman."

"Tony-" Bucky started to speak up.

She was probably still trying to wrap her head around the things Gabriel said on top of just being in close proximity to him. She didn't need more things to freak her out.

"No, he's right. This kind of hit was much more personal than the last one," Y/N shook her head, pushing her hair out of her face.

"The other two women didn't know who she was. Only what they were told to do with her," Wanda noted.

"What do you think that means?" Y/N asked, looking at Tony.

Tony pursed his lips and brought his hand up in thought before pacing the room some.

"I'm not sure, but we have more information than from when we started," Tony answered. "You should get some rest. I'll let you know if we need you again," he nodded to her. "And take this."

He handed off a tablet for her with all the files they were working with downloaded on it.

"Don't make me regret giving that to you. I trust you're on our side." The way he worded it was more of a statement that he was waiting for her to confirm.

"I would be idiotic not to be," she replied. "I want to find and take down these people just as much as you."

The anger and determination behind her words showed she meant business.

"Good. Welcome to the team," he winked, before turning and going back to work.

"What now?" Nat asked what everyone else was thinking.

"I feel like what I'm about to say is either going to get me in trouble or maybe you all will actually listen," Bucky sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. "But maybe, just maybe, we should take a minute to rest."

Nat couldn't help the resting bitch-face that naturally overcame her features, but it was quickly changed to surprise when Y/N agreed.

"I think that'd actually be a good idea," she pulled her arms into herself and nodded in agreement.

"Really?" Bucky was just as stunned as Nat.

She nodded. "I think I need a second to step away from all this. I've been going full-force most of the day and I think I'm crashing some..."

"Ok," Bucky nodded, thrilled that she was actually doing what he had begged her to do this whole time. "Yeah, we can head back to the room and-"

His phone ringing brought everyone's attention to his pocket which was now vibrating. He pulled it out seeing Steve's name on the screen and raised an eyebrow.

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