Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~A/N PLEASE READ~: The next chapter will be the last of this series and it is already in the works. So hopefully it's be out soon in the next day or so. With that being said, I really would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. I have some ideas for one-shots and projects following this storyline that I'm hoping to get started once this is wrapped up. It's been such a fun and different story from my other's writing wise and I've loved writing it :) Again, let me know your thoughts on this one and any predictions you may have!! XOXOXOXO


Bucky's eyes showed terror at how the situation had reversed. Minutes ago, Y/N surrendered herself and made the sacrifice of losing everything she had gained after her escape, and now it was really gone. Even her right to think for herself and she hadn't even left the compound.

"Sorry, I'm late," Wanda walked forward with a limp but straightened her posture as she got closer. "Another one of your batshit crazy friends got the jump on me. That's taken care of now," she said in a snarky way as she watched The Siren turn back to aggravated.

"Wanda, are you ok?" Steve asked in the comms and she turned back for a second to give him a head nod in confirmation.

Her attention was quickly back on Y/N. Her eyes turned red as she tried to peak in her head, but it was clouded by what could best describe as a cloud of black smoke. If the Y/N they had grown to love and adore was in there, she was in a dark and hidden space.

"Let's make a deal," Wanda shouted toward the dark-haired woman and walked slowly to her. "You let her go, and I let you live?"

The Siren scoffed at her threat.

"You don't know what you're asking to go up against," she remarked.

"On the contrary, I don't think you realize what you're going up against," Wanda said back unbothered.

"We may want that shield back now," Nat said.

The woman didn't care for her time being wasted by the banter and shouted another command and Y/N began levitating and throwing her energy photons at Wanda.

Though Wanda had already put up a fight somewhere else and was wearing out, she let the adrenaline rush take over her and help her fight the battle.

"What do we do?" Steve shouted over the explosions happening in front of them.

"We have a few other people to go up against," Nat nodded her head to the two girls on the ground watching the fight happen before turning their attention to the unprotected trio. "Not sure we can get a jump on them. Stark?" she shouted into the comms.

It took a second, but his voice came through. "A lot worse than I hoped. I'm moving a few more-," There was a pause as he grunted moving what sounded like support beams. "Million-dollar repairs," he finished with a deep sigh. "But luckily it's mainly the building that took a hit. So far we have injured, but no casualties yet!"

They were grateful there was some form of good news in the last few drastic events, but they were wondering how long that statistic would last.

"We can use your help," Nat spoke back. "Y/N's been put under some form of mind control and is under their command. Wanda is handling her, but the other two enhanced that are here aren't going to be a quick fight."

They heard a mumbled string of cuss words before he caught his breath throwing a hundred-pound form of debris away.

"I'm on my way," he said into the comms and Nat, Bucky, and Steve were preparing for the fight the two girls coming at them were about to ensue.

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