Chapter XIII - Threshold

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(A few years ago, Jedi Temple, Ahsoka's point of view)

I sat on the benches at the side of the training room, watching Olee do her exercises. We finished a few sparring sessions several minutes ago, and I was starting to get bored again.

"It's been a while now, shouldn't he have been back by now?" I asked.

"Have some patience. Olee said, wearing a blinding helmet and deflecting non-lethal shots from three training remote droids floating around her, "He'll be back any minute now... probably."

"Probably not." I said, "And I've only got about half an hour left until I'm back on guard duty again. This isn't how I planned on spending my free time."

"Did you plan on doing something with him?" Olee asked as she slithered her way around the droids. I looked over at her and couldn't help but notice the smallest indication of a grin at the corners of her lips under the visor of her helmet.

"I was hoping to humor him with some sparring." I said, "Prior to the session we just had before he left, it had been a while since we last had fun with each other. And now because there's an intruder on the loose and he didn't do so well in his last fight, I thought now would be the best time to- HEY WATCH IT!" I was abruptly cut off when a blaster bolt from the training remotes bounced off Olee's lightsaber and instigated my senses when it managed to make its way towards my head. I managed to quickly pull out my lightsaber and instinctively deflect it back at Olee, who deflected it towards the ceiling.

The training droids and Olee paused. Olee lifted up her helmet and wiped the sweat off her forehead as she looked at me.

"You're really protective of him, aren't you?" Olee said.

"Why would I be protective of him?" I asked, "I mean- I am, protective.. Of him, because you know as well as I do, he can't always fend for himself." I sighed as I put my hands on the back of my head and lay flat on the bench, looking towards the ceiling. "And yet..." I said in my relaxed position, "He always has the notion that he has to not only fend for himself, BY himself, but also those around him too."

"If I had to guess, I'd say his master is responsible for that." Olee said, "No disrespect to Master Plo, of course. How could anyone ever hate a gem like HIM who, lucky for us, made his way into the council?"

"I hear you." I said, "... I care about Master Plo like a relative, but... I think he shields (Y/n) too much. Too much to let him be independent, disciplined, all that. Sometimes consequences are a no show"

"And that's why you spar with him." Olee said. I slightly picked my head up at her. "To teach him that stuff. The hard stuff... Am I wrong?" she asked.

I sighed again. "You got me." I said.

"You should watch it." Olee said as she pulled her helmet back over her head and went back to deflecting training remote fire, "You know the rules... besides, you want him to be dependent, yet you practically beg him to depend on you. How does that sound when you hear it out loud?

I shrugged. "What do you want from me? He didn't enter the order until he was nine. And because Master Plo found us both, who else did (Y/n) have besides me to look up to when his master wasn't around?"

"After the incident, after he had was left with nowhere else to go besides here, he couldn't do anything else but look for family, warmth... connections." Olee said, "You can't fuel that desire. You know that, right?"

"Of course. You don't need to tell me that." I said.

"Dependence... means a connection." Olee said. I darted my head up at her in response. "You want him to be independent, but you're achieving the exact opposite, and inevitably, he'll hold you in close regard if you keep this up. So I'm just trying to warn you, tread lightly. I'm sure for one reason or another, you don't want him getting expelled. As I reminded you before, he has nowhere else to go." Olee said.

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