Chapter XVII - Ejection

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(Invisible Hand docking bays, your point of view)

"It seems the Republic and Separatist forces have successfully destroyed the super gore nest. Demonic presence in the path to the Forsaken Maw is steadily decreasing." VEGA said in my radio.

DAMNIT, NO! I wanted dibs on that beast!

I gazed over at the group of armored troops on the base floor of the hangar. They had their weapons aimed up at my position but were clearly lacking the guts to shoot. Most of them were shivering, I could see it from here. It wasn't totally fear though, I could feel strong feelings of anger radiating off of them which was caught in my sixth sense.

"STAND DOWN! Rex! X1!" A taller guy in dark brown leather garments with medium-length wavy hair suddenly exclaimed to all the white armor guys.

"General, that's the guy who killed the 91st pilots!" a troop with blue-accented armor said angrily.

What? I didn't even-, hollup


OH YEAH, those guys. I guess I might've done that.

"I said stand down!" The tall unarmored guy said and lowered the guns of the troop and another one in maroon-and-black-accented armor. The unarmored guy looked up at me. We made eye contact as he stepped forward cautiously

... What the heck is he wearing? And why? Who the heck walks out into a raging battle wearing flippin pajamas? Or whatever that stuff is? Priest robes, got a friggin nightgown on, what the hell? Is this some kind of joke? Man's gonna get himself killed being out here like that. Decked out in that edgy brown cloak. I assume the armored troopers are here for his protection? Hold up... Those garments... just like.. Back at the...

His attire reminded me of the statues I saw on the doorsteps and in the halls of that giant monastery on the planet where I killed Nilox... was that this guy's place?

Putting that aside for a moment, you know, I have to admit, taking out an entire super gore nest on their own is seriously one hell of a feat, especially for mortals. Maybe they're not as puny as I thought, even if they did bring the demons here.

I kept looking him in the eye, he seemed like he was struggling to look at me back. I could feel the emotions radiating off him. Out of all the people here, he seemed to be the least anxious in my presence.

I tried to understand why. He's not armored, he's clearly not a gunman like the rest. Is he some sort of diplomat? Then why'd that troop call him "General?" I looked behind him. A few feet past him were two others, two others who were similarly dressed in a manner not very fitting for combat. A green-skinned woman in long dark robes with a headdress on her, and a blue-skinned man wearing a tan uniform like the first guy, with dark maroon sleeves and a bandana.

Something about the clothes of these people just wrapped itself around my attention. It was the way they stuck out like a sore thumb with all these other armored and combat-ready troops dotting the hangar bays. In my curiosity, I failed to notice the demons making their way up here. Apparently, so did the dark-haired guy. An imp got the jump at me and grabbed onto my head with its feet planted on my shoulders.

(Anakin's point of view)

She told me he was towering but... wow.

"The ghost of (Y/n)..." Master Ferroda whispered and stepped forward. Ghosts aren't supposed to be this tangible, I wanted to say, but his presence captured me so much that I felt my throat starting to dry up from gazing at him. Whether... whether he was or was not (Y/n), he truly did have the presence and aura of a phantom. His physique looked nothing like that youngin under Master Plo's training from over a year ago, but this phantom was staring at me as if he just he almost recognized me. Just standing there above us, he was hypnotizing me with his otherworldly size and stature. He was staring right back at us, but not with a content vibe. From our spot down here, it felt more like we were the anthill and he was the magnifying glass. He was looking down on us, as if both literally, and figuratively... and I don't like it. His face was hidden beneath the shadows of his helmet, probably a good thing. I was starting to recall those old Tatooine smuggler tales about vengeful spirits cursing you by making eye contact... I always thought I had outgrown those childish fears but right now I'm not in the mood for a curse when my plate is already filled with the threat of damnation.

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