05 | Staying in

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"Psst, Psst Skylar wake up sleepyhead," said Ezra gently patting my shoulder in great hopes of waking me up from my sleep.

"Is she even breathing? If not I'm letting y'all know I will pass out" replied Justin leaning down towards my mouth, feeling short breaths of air every few seconds.

"Oh please she's just tired from all the stuff we did at the beach yesterday" answered Mikayla's back against the right corner of the bedroom.

My eyes slowly open and catch the bright light reflections of the sun bouncing off the wall.

Pulling the bedsheets over my head and quickly shutting my eyes to force myself back into a heavy slumber.

"No, you don't," said Mikayla ripping the comfy bedsheets from covering my body and my eyes adjust from the brightness in the room.

"Hmm, alright I'm awake now is everyone pleased?"I asked looking around at everyone spread across the room.

"Finally, sleeping beauty is awoken from her slumber we have been waiting for you for hours" replied Justin giving a quick side-eye towards me.

I take a quick look at my alarm clock says noon so it's already the afternoon. And have wasted the day sleeping in, but maybe I just needed it.

"Alright, I'll make a late breakfast for all of us," I said slipping on my comfy slippers and grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

The bottom part of the slippers makes a scratching sound across the wooden floors onto the tiled flooring.

Mikayla wears black sweatpants with a tye-dye t-shirt, her brunette hair wrapped up in a messy bun.

While Ezra and Justin are taking silly selfies on Mikayla's phone added ridiculous poses which were hilarious to me.

Mikayla decides to take out the eggs, bread, bacon, and a carton of orange juice. I slid onto her right side and reach for the pancake mix in the narrow pantry and place it on the counter.

I grab a frying pan from the cabinet and place it on the stovetop, while Mikayla slides me the black pepper and salt across the kitchen counter.

My hand scoops out a big dollop of butter with a butter knife. The butter thins out into a shiny residue on the pan and I crack four eggs sizzling under medium heat.

Until a piece of shell lands on one of the eggs...

"Hey, Mikayla could you pass me a spoon so that I can take out this eggshell?" I asked looking frantically for a spoon or something to take this thing out of the egg.

"Here," said Mikayla passing me a clean tablespoon and quickly scooping the piece out and throwing it into the trash can.

"Thanks," I replied

"Now, I'll make the bacon when you're halfway done with the eggs wait where is my phone?" questioned Mikayla drying her hands on the cloth and checking her pockets.

"Okay, Ezra could you please angle it a little bit higher?" suggested Justin trying to angle his face to be captured by the camera.

"Justin, you can't be serious I am not your photographer" replied Ezra in a sarcastic tone the muscles in his forearms, a burning sensation like a hand hovering closely to a lit candle flame feeling the dangerous heat.

Ezra slouches into the couch wearing a graphic tee and black basketball shorts. His hand firmly holding the phone in place and his eyes looking in pure focus.

Mikayla goes to the near east corner and grabs a pillow. This signals Ezra to keep doing what he's doing until the moment is right.

Ezra gives Mikayla a slight nod and a mischievous smirk plays on his lips.

"Alright, I got it," said Ezra the camera shutter sound goes off and gives a thumbs up to Justin.

3..2..1 The soft pillow collides with Justin's head to fall back into the couch and Mikayla keeps swinging on him until she runs out of energy.

Justin tried to cover his head with his hands, but this doesn't help because he is constantly being attacked ruthlessly with a pillow.

"I've been waiting to do that all afternoon" replied Mikayla panting and her breath heaving.

The smell of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and delectable bacon set perfectly on the kitchen island.

Everyone's head turns towards the smell of food and their stomach rumbles loudly like they haven't in days.


Firstly, I wanna apologize for the extremely late update. I have been busy with life and other things at the moment, but I hope to update this story based in the description.

Anyways, how is everyone's weekend going, and did you do anything enjoyable?

Anyways, how is everyone's weekend going, and did you do anything enjoyable?

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