11 | Conversations

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The sunset slowly pans over the front window of the living room. While I stir my fresh cup of decaf, take a sip, and feel even better now.

I plop down in the middle of the couch, while Mikayla and Justin make silly faces taking selfies at every angel imaginable.

Ezra strides over to the far end of the couch and places his fresh cup of coffee on a coaster.

"So the reason why I wanted everyone here is to talk about what happened a couple of days ago," I said sitting up straight and taking off the claw that held my hair together perfectly.

"I think the bonfire was going well until Danielle took the truth or dare into a full 180" replied Mikayla her brunette hair down and flows down her back with a bright red tank top and dark blue shorts.

"At first, I wasn't too sure about this whole bonfire situation but something is off about Danielle," Ezra says, sinks his body into the couch even more.

Another sip from my cup, the sweet aroma dances across my tongue gives me a warm feeling.

"What about you Justin?" Mikayla asks, tilting her head towards his direction.

"Hmm, I didn't mind us meeting new people but I"-his response is cut short by a sneeze, blinks his eyes a couple of times.

"Bless you," Mikayla says, hands him a tissue off of the living room table.

"Thank you" Justin replied, takes the soft tissue and blows his nose loudly.

The humid heat in the room makes it hard to relax and chill out. Beads of sweat crowd my brow, few droplets down my back feel sticky and uncomfortable.

Walking over to the right side of the living room, press on the AC hangs out the window. It roars to life with a blast of chill air, though the clicks and stutters can be a pain.

The cool air travels through the atmosphere makes it a bit more bearable. I sit back down in my spot, but Ezra immediately sits up and faces me.

"Wait, what was that whole thing about us not finding out why you had to leave here?" Ezra asks, his eyes look straight at me waiting for my answer.

I tear my eyes away from his gaze and take in a deep breath, chewing the sides of my mouth anxiously.

"Look, I wish I could be honest with you guys but it would make things a bit more complicated" I replied barely meeting his gaze and deflate into myself.

"How is it complicated? Just tell us Skylar" added Mikayla her voice lace with annoyance.

A bitter laugh escapes from my lips and just shake my head.

It's not that simple, I can't tell them people will come for me...

I excuse myself and take the empty mug, pick up the wet sponge, and clean the decent pile of dishes.

This is just a small distraction, a delay to not dwell on what happened that night and it wasn't my fault.

The last remaining dishes weren't too bad, and my hand reaches towards the bottom of the sink. I let out a yelp of pain.

"Skylar?" Ezra says, sliding off the bar stool a good distance away from me, but I could still sense his presence.

"Hmm," I hum in response and turn off the running faucet, hiding my hand behind my back quickly.

"What happened to your hand?" replied Ezra, his eyes narrow and his hands in grey sweatpants pockets slowly rocking side to side.

"Nothing" I reply making my way to the nearest bathroom, searching through the cabinet while leaving traces of blood all over.

Ezra's heavy footsteps follow behind me and slips through the tiny crack of the door. He leans against the doorframe, eyes watching my every move.

"Sit," Ezra says, pushing himself off the doorframe and takes out the first aid kit.

"No, I'm fine Ezra you can go" I watch my reflection in the mirror, though winces at the pain in my hand.

He stops, his eyes flicker to mine, holding the first aid kit, and nods to the toilet.

"You know I can do this by myself just leave, Ezra" I plead, trying to take away the kit from his strong grip but I fail miserably.

"SIT DOWN!" Ezra commands, locking the bathroom door and I sit down quietly on the hard porcelain toilet seat.

He softly taps my hand and I show him the injury done to my right hand. His brow quirks up in amusement.

The silence between us isn't awkward or strange, it is quite peaceful and keeps me at ease. The long pause makes my heartbeat loud enough to hear in my eardrums.

His hand grazes mine while putting on the bandaid to the middle of my palm. My stomach feels like a bunch of butterflies swarm together in a whirlwind.

"There you go, does it still hurt?"Ezra says, throwing away the scraps from the bandaid.

"Well, only a bit if I clench my hand, but I think I'll be okay" I responded pulling down my hoodie sleeve over my right hand.

Ezra nods and leaves pulls in the bathroom door fully for privacy.

I flick off the light switch, my phone buzzes with a text message.


The text message is with a photo of me on the patio, my head down in a book from a few days ago.

The text message is with a photo of me on the patio, my head down in a book from a few days ago

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                      AUTHOR'S NOTE

Do you think Skylar should tell her friends about the text message or keep it to herself instead?

Any predictions for what could happen in the next chapter, I'm all ears.

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