Q & A

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Hello there fellow readers! So... I've decided to do a Q & A for One Summer!

Here are a series of questions that you guys can choose from and ask me about!

1) What was the original ending for One Summer?

2) Why did you choose to read this story and what drew your attention to it?

3) How did this story make you feel throughout?

4) What was your writing process for this story? Do you think you would do anything differently?

5) What or who inspired you to write this story and share it with people on this platform?

6) What's a line you wrote that you really love the most?

7) What was the original title of this story before One Summer?

8) Which character from One Summer would you want to be friends with and why?

9) How did you continue writing this story without losing your journal that had an outline?

10) What was the original plot of One Summer and why didn't you go through with it?

11) Who's character development was your favorite?

12) Who is Skylar's stalker?


1) In the comments type in the number and not the question itself for it to be answered.

2) No inappropriate or offensive questions they will be blocked and deleted.

3) You can't ask the same question that's already been answered to already.

4) You can come up with your own question and ask me.

5) Please respect my work and each other in the comments any type of bullying will not be tolerated!

6) Let's all have fun! And enjoy ourselves with this Q & A!


I wanna shout out to every reader who has given this story a read, vote, or comment on! I really do appreciate the love and support given to this work!

Now, before anyone asks yes there will be a sequel to One Summer!

I don't have a release date because I have so many projects to be released next year, and don't know when I'm gonna get around to writing it yet.


One Summer Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora