07 | Wandering mind

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The slow rise of the sunrise softly combines all kinds of colors across the vast sky.

Gently rock over the swing set underneath me hands hugging the heat from the ceramic mug.

Honestly, having ice cream with my friends yesterday is a new memory that will stick with me forever it made my heart swell with joy.

From drama in and out of school, unrealistic expectations and teachers, and slightly breaking the rules making memories for years to come.

My white tank top paired with bright red shorts, soft dirty blonde hair placed into a messy bun.

Carefully put down the hot mug of mint tea and picked up my book. The sliding door swings open and the book drops while the bookmark skids across the patio floor.

"Sorry," said Ezra handing me back my book and bookmark into my lap.

"No, it's okay" I paused. "I guess I was lost in my own world."

Ezra sits in the next chair across from me, breathing out a sigh of relief his body a bit relaxed.

"Yeah, sometimes I forget that you easily get scared" replied Ezra taking off his shades and wiping off his rainbow tye-dye shirt.

"What? I don't get easily scared" I countered sitting up straighter in the swing set and looking him straight in the eyes.

"Yes you do, you just don't wanna admit it" added Ezra with a wide grin stretched across his lips, while the wind blew through his jet-black hair.

"That's so not true" I reminded breathing out a huge puff of air from my lips.

Ezra shifts his weight on the swing set and it jerks in a downward direction. He quickly steadies it with his right hand.

The swing sways at its original pace and I look up to see his face inches from mine. My heart beats faster and increases in volume while my ears hear a continuous thumbing sound echo.

"Are you okay?" He asked his hand still gripping on the metal chain of the swing, causing his veins to appear.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks Ezra" I replied with a voice sounding so dry it came off like a faint whisper.

Mikayla clears her throat, arms folded across her chest. The sound caught me off guard causing me to sit up straight and Ezra creates some distance between us on the swing.

"Hey, Mikayla how long have you been standing there?" I asked grabbing my book and now cold mug of tea left waiting to be touched.

"Hmm, I've only been here for a couple of minutes because Justin kind of made a disaster in the kitchen" responded Mikayla with a quirky snort sound whenever she found something completely ridiculous or just plain comedy.

"Oh god, okay I'm coming" I added slipping on a pair of Nike slides on my feet.

The sun's presence now elevated high in the crystal blue sky. Causing faint shadows across the cherrywood floors our shadowy figures following throughout the house.

My eyes look over to the kitchen area with big splotches of smoothie all over the floor, ceiling, and the beautiful marble countertop.

"Look, I know this looks bad but I thought I knew what I was doing" announced Justin taking steps closer towards me.

"Don't" I interrupt.

I open the cabinet under the sink and pass out rags.

Running water and adding soap in hopes that the smoothie chunks not stain anything in the house.

Me, Ezra, Justin, and Mikayla decide to take on different sections of the kitchen to clean and hope that'll be enough for the kitchen to be back to normal.

"Okay, that was a full workout I'm so tired" I announced my muscles tight and feeling numb from cleaning for hours on end.

"Wait... this reminds me of the time we had to clean the cafeteria because of a food fight junior year," said Justin relaxing into the soft material of the couch.

We all turned our heads in his direction and give him a death glare.

"Too soon?" replied Justin his eyes darting to our faces in a quick motion.

"Yes!" We said in unison.

I manage to find the High School Musical 2 DVD and put it into the DVD section. Mikayla gently pats an open spot on the couch for me, we huddle under the blanket and relive our nostalgia once more.

Hello, my fellow readers this is an extremely late update, but I'm starting college next week so I'll try to update this story when I can

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Hello, my fellow readers this is an extremely late update, but I'm starting college next week so I'll try to update this story when I can.

Anyways, is anyone ready for the new school year?

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