20 | Rule Breaker

40 6 12

The cool water droplets glide down my skin, to my dark red bikini. Mikayla wraps her beach towel around herself, to stop shivering from the cold water.

"Now, why did I agree to go swimming at the beach this late at night?" Mikayla asked.

Looking from me to Ezra and Justin were soaked with water constantly shivering with every passing wind that comes our way.

"Because you can't back down from a dare, even if you tried" Justin added.

He shakes his wet hair causing sharp water droplets to go all over Mikayla's face, and she gives him a death glare.

"I hate you so much right now" Mikayla replied.

Drying off her face with the soft beach towel the moonlight catches a faint glimpse of her butterfly tattoo.

I watch as Mikayla and Justin go further ahead of us on the boardwalk. With groups of families and teens swarming the boardwalk, in the late hours of the night.

"I'm letting you know that me and Mikayla beat you guys, fair and square in the volleyball game," I said.

"You seriously won't let this win go, Skylar, I humbly accept my defeat from you" Ezra replied.

I take an abrupt stop and pull my towel tighter, but Ezra places his towel around me and makes a knot so that it stays close to my body.

"Thanks," I reply.

"You're welcome and I know you hate being cold anyway" Ezra added.

After a few slow minutes of people crowding or just not walking on the boardwalk, we make it up the patio steps and relax on the swing set.

The moonlight showers its presence over the water.

Ezra sits on the right side of the swing set, water droplets drip down his six-pack abs, and my eyes stop at his Roman numeral tattoo with a broken clock hanging at the end.

"Hey, can I ask you about your tattoo?" I ask shly.

Gently drying off my skin and my feet floating above the swing set, resting my head on the cool metal chains on the swing.

"Sure" Ezra paused. "The Roman numeral means seven which is my mom's favorite number."

"I didn't know that you got that tattoo for your mom, I think it's sweet of you" I replied.

Bringing myself closer to Ezra, but leaving enough space between us on the swing that gently sways under our weight.

"Thanks! now the clock tattoo has a time that reads 11:11 was done by my old friend Milo Hayes" Ezra added.

His lips stretch into a small smile with the mention of his old childhood friend, and the many memories.

"Will you introduce me to him someday?" I asked.

"Hmm, I'll have to let him know ahead of time, but Milo is a great friend at least in my eyes" Ezra stated.

Before Ezra can speak, the sliding door is open harshly creating a sharp grating sound that causes me to cover my ears.

"Sorry," Mikayla paused. "Do you know where Justin went?"

"What? wasn't he with you at the boardwalk?" I asked, sliding on my slide on my feet.

"Well...yeah then he told me he had to take a phone call" Mikayla stated.

Her eyes looking around outside and inside the living room then to us again.

With no time to waste me and Ezra decide to go up the staircase, Justin's bedroom door was left ajar with sudden goosebumps across my body.

My hand gently pushes the bedroom door, and there was Justin's body still and very limp.

A deep gauge across his neck, lots of blood staining the fresh bedsheets. His eyes were open widely from pure fear or shock almost coming out of their sockets, no one could ever tell.

A note was written in his blood on the wall.

Now, we're even Skylar don't you think?

My phone buzzes with another photo of Justin trying to defend himself against a hooded figure.

Quietly shut the bedroom door and fly down the stairs, my eyes widen from pure horror and now an image will be embed itself to my brain for as long as I live.

"Call 911, Ezra" I announced.

"Call 911, Ezra" I announced

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author's note

so...I was able to write a chapter for One Summer that I was gonna push off to Sunday, but here we are!

hope you guys enjoy this chapter see you all on Sunday!

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