24 | Chill out

37 3 16

The sun's rays bathe my skin, while resting my head against the stiff, wooden swing.

Resting the fresh glass of lemonade on a coaster onto the mini table.

I close my eyes, letting the peaceful momentum of the swing carry my weight, while Ezra kicks off his sandals and lets his feet hang.

Ezra inhales a deep breath and relaxes under the sun, takes another sip of his lemonade, and gently puts it down on the patio floor.

"Maybe, this trip together was a huge mistake," I say, with tears in my eyes turning away from Ezra.

Looking over the patio fence, watching teenagers run free in the summer sun and just having fun. But I can't, because it's all my fault.

"What? Skylar, you can't possibly think that what happened is your fault it isn't" Ezra replies, taking off his shades and placing them in between his flamingo shirt.

"It's true" I pause. "Everything that has happened to Justin, us, all of us is because of me being here."

Wiping off wet tears from my face messily with the back of my hand. The tears keep flowing down my cheeks, while Ezra pulls me in a tight embrace and my body shakes violently.

"It's okay," Ezra says, "you can cry as long as you need to."

Being in his arms feels like a warm hug, a place that's safe and secure. The rhythmic pattern of his heartbeat echoes rapidly in my ear.

"Can I have a tissue?" I ask, raising my head from his chest and sniffling through my nose like a sick dog.

Turning my head to face Ezra's, picking up the glass of lemonade with ice cubes melting due to the hot sun.

"Here" Ezra responds, passing a tissue to me and blowing my nose loudly.

The sliding door opens and Mikayla comes out with a tray of crackers and slices of cheese. Wearing a navy blue shirt and three-quarter jeans right over her knees with light brown sandals.

Mikayla pulls down her sunglasses and looks at Ezra then at me, with a serious expression on her face.

"Ezra, did you make Skylar cry?" Mikayla says, walking into the middle of the patio and crossing her arms.

Relaxing her body against the deep red patio, with the sunlight casts faint shadows over her face.

"I would never make her cry, but she feels bad about everything since we got here" Ezra responds, putting a little bit of distance between them.

"Oh, well if I were in your shoes I'd blame myself for the stuff that happened too," Mikayla said, rocking back and forth on the patio and also putting her hands in her pockets.

Casting her eyes to the light blue sky, soaking in the warmth of the sun she tags me and runs down the patio steps.

"Mikayla can't be serious," I say, giving a quick look towards Ezra tucking his sandals under the swing.

Without a second to waste, I chase after Mikayla with brewing sweat stains on my t-shirt and my bare feet hitting the hot sand.

"What? We only have One Summer let's live a little" Ezra says, sneaking up behind me and dumping a bucket of cool water soaking me completely.

"What? We only have One Summer let's live a little" Ezra says, sneaking up behind me and dumping a bucket of cool water soaking me completely

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Author's note

Hi! Can you guys find two phrases that I used in this chapter?

Firstly, I wanna thank you all for giving this book a chance, voting, and commenting on things that you really like! I appreciate it a lot!

Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful month of January!

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