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while pedri went to go check on gavi, i was left alone in the living room with my thoughts. maybe i hate gavi for no reason. i know how it feels to be in a toxic relationship. what if he only acted like that because he was upset about something that happened with his girlfriend?

but even if that was the case, i'm not the one he should be taking his anger out on. so yeah, i do have a reason to not like him.

after a few minutes pedri came back out, leaving gavi in his room. he sat back down on the couch but there was still some distance between us. he was sitting against the edge with his arm propped over the back of the couch and i was in the middle.

"is he okay?" i asked.

"yeah." he smiled. "wanna watch a movie?"

"sure, but not a scary movie this time."

"okay, you pick then."

he passed me the remote and grabbed the blanket that was draped over the couch, putting it on himself. i chose the notebook because it's a really good movie and i wanted to see his reaction to it. i've always thought that you can tell a lot about a person by their reactions to movies.

"i've never seen this movie, is it good?"

"i wouldn't be making you watch it if it wasn't."

he smiled and sat back farther into the couch. i just now started to realize how cold it was in his house.

"do you have another blanket? it's kinda cold."

"just come here." he lifted the blanket and motioned for me to come sit under it with him.

"thanks." i tried not to blush but obviously failed as i scooted close to him.

for both of us to be covered by the blanket we had to be sitting super close, so when i went under, our thighs were touching. he moved one of his feet to touch mine, not moving it back, and slinging his arm around my body.

i blushed and settled into his side, getting more comfortable and less awkward.

"you're having a movie night without me? that's rude." gavi spoke from behind us. "can i join?"

"if you really want." pedri shrugged.

he carried a bag of popcorn and a water bottle as he walked in front of us. he sat down pretty much on top of us, squeezing himself right between us.

"umm okay." i rolled my eyes and moved to the opposite end of the couch.

pedri gave him an "are you serious?" look and smacked his arm causing gavi to let out a small laugh.

pedri got up and moved over to sit next to me and put the blanket over us again. gavi's laughter faded away as we all quieted down and watched the movie.


when the movie ended, all three of us were crying. i used pedri's shirt to cry into and he used the blanket. no matter how many times i've seen this movie, it never fails to make me sob. thankfully though, i didn't put on makeup today or else that would be smeared every where right now.

"why would you make us watch that? that was the saddest story ever." gavi wiped his face with a tissue. honestly i don't even know where he got it but he used it.

"i didn't make you! you liked it!" i responded.

"i might've but you could've warned me it would be this sad!" gavi said, causing pedri and i to laugh even though we had tears running down our cheeks.

"what about you? what did you think?" i asked pedri and i wiped my eyes.

"i agree with gavi, but i should let you pick more often!" he wiped his tears too. "do you want me to take you home now? it's getting kinda late. or you can stay here." he smiled.

can't have it all - gavi and pedriWhere stories live. Discover now