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we found our seats quickly and easily. still, not many people were inside the stadium but it was filling up fast since the teams would be starting to warm up soon.

mia and i pulled out our phones and scrolled through our social medias. after a while, i got pretty bored and put my phone back down. i watched the teams warm up, focusing extra on gavi.

while looking at him, i couldn't help but let my mind wander to his best friend. pedri told me he'd text me sometime today and it was already getting late. maybe he was just tired from his flight or he hasn't had time. i just hoped that he wasn't ignoring me or anything.

my thoughts were cut off when a pretty, blonde girl walked over to us and i noticed that the teams were walking off the field to get ready to start the game.

"hey. are you guys mia and julia?" she asked.

we had been sitting down for about an hour and the stadium was filled all the way up. everyone was anxious and excited for the game to start, wanting their team to win.

"yeah, we are." mia smiled at her.

"great. i'm mikky, frenkie's girlfriend. he asked ferran where you guys would be sitting so that we could sit by each other."

"oh, hi! so that's why ferran wanted to know where our seats were." mia said.

"or maybe he wanted to look up at you during the game." i winked at her.

"probably." she joked, making us all laugh. "please sit mikky. i'm so glad you're here."

"i'm glad i'm here too. frenkie wanted me to meet you guys because he wants me to be friends with some of the other girls." she admitted, taking a seat.

"well, we are the best ones." mia laughed again.

"real." i agreed.

the teams walked back onto the field soon after and the game had begun.

"so you guys are pedri and ferran's girlfriends?" mikky asked.

"well, technically no." mia responded. "ferran hasn't asked me out yet. and for pedri and julia, that's a long story."

"oh i'm sorry, i just assumed from what frenkie said." she apologized.

"no, it's okay." mia reassured.

"well, we do have a long time. i think around 2 hours is enough time for a story time." mikky smiled. "only if you're comfortable with it, of course."

"if you really want to know..." i sighed sarcastically as the two girls giggled next to me. "from the beginning or the stuff that happened more recently?" i asked mikky.

"from the beginning. i need the background info, duh."

i started explaining the story but was interrupted by lots of loud cheers. gavi had passed the ball to balde, allowing him to get past two defenders and run all the way down the field. he dribbled towards the corner, then crossed it into the box where lewandowski was waiting. he got on the end of it and kicked it towards the goal, but the ball was saved by the goalie. it bounced off him and over to where frenkie was, who took his shot and that went right past the goalie that was still on the ground.

"GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLL FRENKIE DE JONG!" the announcer yelled into the microphone.

everyone, including us girls, cheered like crazy. especially mikky, of course. he ran to the corner flag with his team close behind as they all celebrated. when they calmed down, he ran towards our seats and held up a heart from where he was standing on the field.

"awwww!" me and mia said in unison as mikky blushed in her seat.

"okay, finish telling the story now." mikky said once the cheers had settled down.

i did as she said, explaining how we met, how we'd spent so much time together, how i started to like him, the tension mia had claimed was there, the kiss, and the talk. i was only interrupted a few times when mikky had something to ask or say. she was a great listener, i was starting to like her already. i mean, why else was i telling her everything that had ever happened between pedri and i.

"you weren't lying, that was a long story." mikky laughed. mikky had been saying all of the same things mia had tried to tell me.

"i told you." i finally relaxed back into my chair.

soon after, halftime approached, the game was still 1-0. gavi stormed off the field and towards the locker room looking angry. i didn't know why, he was playing good and his team was in the lead.

"i'll be back, i'm going to go see frenkie before the second half starts." mikky said.

"i'm coming with!" mia said. "ferran told me to come see him at half time too."

"i'll just stay here then." i offered, still sitting in my seat while the two of them were standing.

"oh don't be silly, come with us."

"okay, fine."

we made our way down to the locker room and waited outside for them to come out.

"i should've stayed back, i don't want to fifth wheel." i sighed sarcastically.

"i'll tell ferran to tell gavi to come out for you."

"that's okay, really."

"if you say so." mia shrugged as frenkie and ferran had walked out of the locker room.

frenkie had greeted mikky with a slight kiss while ferran engulfed mia in a hug. the two couples started talking to each other as i stood awkwardly against the wall, taking out my phone. the locker room doors were right in front of me, so when they opened, my attention was brought to the person walking out.

"julia? i didn't know you'd be down here at halftime." gavi said.

"i didn't either. mia and mikky came to see their boys and brought me along."

"oh." he said.

"are you alright? you looked upset when you walked off the field." i said with worry.

"so you were paying attention to me." he smirked.

"don't be flattered." i rolled my eyes playfully.

"i'm fine. i just feel like i'm off my game. i keep missing the ball and i haven't done anything great." he said.

"from what i see, i think you're playing really well. your movement has been really good and even by doing the small things you've really helped out your team. you passed the ball to balde that caused him to make such a good cross, ending in a goal. you don't have to do extravagant things to be a good player."

"you're right. thank you for that." he smiled.

"no problem."

"but i am wondering how you can give such a good speech about playing football when you can't even play yourself." he smirked and spoke in a joking tone.

"that's not funny." i tried to hide my laughter.

"sorry, sorry." he laughed.

"it's not okay. but why'd you come out here in the first place? what were you doing?" i asked, keeping the conversation going.

"lewandowski left something on the bench. i offered to go grab it for him." he said. "which reminds me, i should go get that real quick."

"okay, no worries. i think mikky and mia are finishing up anyways. we've got to get back to our seats and you guys have got to get back on the field." i smiled at him.

"yeah, i'll see you after the game." he smiled. "thank you again."

"no problem. keep playing good." i said.

"i'll try."

he turned around and jogged over to the field, grabbing whatever he left, and jogging back to the doors i was still standing outside, waiting for the girls. he smiled at me once more before disappearing through the doors.

mia and mikky had finally finished saying goodbye. frenkie and ferran had gone through the doors too, while we made our way back to our seats.

the teams had gone back on not long after we sat down and started up again.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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