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pedri's pov

after we kissed, she was all i could think about the whole day. the way she pulled herself too me, the way our lips moved together and our tongues danced, the way her hand rested on my jaw, the way she looked so beautiful even when we frantically pulled away.

after she abruptly left my house earlier, i couldn't help but feel stressed. i reached out to her to talk but she didn't answer for a while. even though she kissed me back, i couldn't help but think i did something wrong. i thought she was ghosting me. it felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when she finally answered me.

i pulled into the parking lot of julia's apartment building to pick her up and texted her that i was there. a few minutes later she walked out, looking as good as she always does. it's like she doesn't even have to try.

she climbed into the passenger seat and we said our hellos. after that, we didn't say anything else. i turned the radio up a bit and we went on our way to my house. thankfully it was a short ride because i didn't know how much longer i could take the awkward silence.

we walked into my house and i led her into my room, closing and locking the door behind us. we were interrupted once by gavi earlier, and even though nothing was happening this time, i didn't want to be interrupted again.

"so," she said. she played with her hands waiting for my response.

"so." i answered.

"well, what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"earlier, obviously. i-" my phone started to ring right in the middle of my sentence. "shit, i have to take this." i looked at her with an apologetic look and stepped out into the hallway.

it was my pr manager, ana. she needed me to come in for a last minute meeting with adidas. she apologized for the short notice, but said that it was the only time they could do this meeting and we needed it done as soon as possible. i agreed and told her i'd be on my way.

i walked back into my room to julia sitting on my bed, her eyes still on her fingers, cracking them and playing with her nails.

"i'm really sorry, i have to go to a meeting real quick. i didn't know about it til now. please stay here, you can hang out in here or in the living room and we can talk when i get back. it shouldn't take too long." i apologized.

"okay, yeah i'll wait." she smiled a bit, her face softening.

she followed me down the stairs and sat on the couch. i said goodbye to her and walked towards the door. i turned back to look at her and she was on her phone, i couldn't help but admire her beauty for a second before i walked out the door.

god, what is this girl doing to me.


"thank you, again, for meeting with us. we apologize for the short notice and for it being a bit late. enjoy the rest of your night." the nice man that adidas sent for this meeting said.

"you too man." i smiled, shaking his hand. i waited for him to walk out of the room before i turned my head to ana. "that all for the night?" i questioned.

"yeah, i'll see you later. adiós pedri." she smiled sweetly.

"adiós." i said before i quickly walked out the door of her office.

i was parked close in the parking lot since there were no other cars so i made it back to my car pretty quickly. i got in and went home, as fast as i could without getting pulled over.

when i made it back home and walked through the door and into the living room, i saw julia still sitting there, but she was talking with gavi. i was glad he had forgiven us for him seeing that and i was glad that maybe they were becoming friends. i never knew why he hated her. he insisted that he didn't but it seemed a lot like he did.

can't have it all - gavi and pedriWhere stories live. Discover now