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Dedicated to ArRaLurvsGREEN for the awsome banner!!

҉ A PrinceSSly CoNNectioN ҉

Song's chapter: collide by howie Day (I'll post it when I figure out how...)

ChaPtEr TWENTY-SEVEN _________________________


"You did what?!" My heart was racing. Placing my right palm over my chest, I sat on my bed.

"Well technically, I didn't do anything. Peter texted me to know where he could get one more ticket..." she trailed innocently as I glared at my faint reflection on my room's window.

"And what did you tell him?"

"I-I might have encouraged him beforehand to ask a friend out," she added carefully, "because at the moment seemed like a splendid idea," I rolled my eyes, "you know, so you wouldn't go by yourself and all that..."

Forget the stupid dress. Or the time I just spent putting on makeup or trying to perfect my hair.

The whole night was completely ruined because Peter decided to come with a friend.

Another guy.

Apparently as in a double-date kind of thing.

And Jason was going to be there.

I couldn't tell him about this mess.

He wouldn't come. And then my life would be completely over.

All because of my best friend's bloody crush.

"Valerie," my tone was clipped.

Before I started to say anything else, she added accusingly, "You did force him to come to this bloody thing, didn't you? So, it's not my fault. If you hadn't invited him, we wouldn't be in this mess!" I rolled my eyes again. I wanted to rub a palm on my face but I would smear my makeup. And by the way things were looking, the least I could do was look presentable. "And how was I supposed to guess that Jason would call you today?"

My shoulders sagged. She did have a point.

I took a deep breath while closing my eyes for a moment, "I know." As I straightened my dress, I added "I guess life just has this way of messing things up...at least mine..." Val snorted, "It just sucks, you know? I mean what if Jason walks in and see the four of us and assumes that I'm with the other guy? I'm pretty sure that he would walk away..." and I would probably chase after him.

Wow. I have no dignity. That's quite sad and pathetic. My brows furrowed at my dark thoughts.

"It's not like he could say something, is it?" I could see Valerie raising an eyebrow and giving me a pointed look if we were together.

I swallowed hard, "I'm such a pathetic loser, aren't I?"

Val sighed. "No. You're just madly in love. And love makes us stupid."

A strangled chuckle left my mouth. "Yeah, like coming up with the idea of vandalizing some dude's house."

She snorted, "Please...I'm not in love with Peter, M. I'm not even sure if I like him or not."I shook my head. She was so stubborn. Anyone could see how much she liked him if they saw her around Peter. She was a complete klutz. "However, if we hadn't done that, you wouldn't have met Jason."

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