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Chapter's song: In the arms of an angel by Sarah Maclahan (crying over here...)

ChaPtEr THIRTY-FOUR _________________________


The distinctive ammonia odor was making me sick. You'd think that after being stationed on the hospital for the last four days, the smell would have somehow grown on me. It hadn't.

Four days where Jason had been kept on a comma. They were going to wake him up today. Or whatever that meant. Apparently, they were going to disconnect his body off the respirators; they were also going to pump up his body with a heavy doses of medicine.

We were all worried about him. I had barely slept or eaten at all. Danielle and his Mom were on the same page. My father had arranged that they both could stay with him on the hospital. Since I was taking care of Snickers, I had to go home to take him out and spend some time with him. And those precious times where I'd been with Snickers had felt like I was with Jason. He adored his dog.

Dr. Richards, the chief doctor, was in charge of Jason's health. I saw him walk through the hallway as I was getting a bottle of water from the vending machine. Hurriedly, I grabbed the bottle and pretty much ran to Jason's room to inform both his Mom and Danielle that the doctor was probably coming this way.

Mrs. Lee's eyes brightened as she heard me. She squeezed my hand reassuringly. I just didn't know who she wanted to reassure, though. Me or her. She looked exhausted but hopeful at the same time. Although there was a glint of worriedness that never left her eyes. No matter how bright she was smiling to her daughter.

Danielle, on the other hand, looked at least three years older. Poor girl. She was devastated and tried to play it cool throughout this time. Yesterday, she'd broken down with me as we had breakfast down in the cafeteria. Apparently, she was trying to be brave for her mother's sake. She was extremely worried, though. Jason was everything to them both. In her words, they had just gotten him back and she wasn't ready to lose him.

I was a complete and utter mess.

My feelings were all over the place.

Especially since Danielle had confessed to me that Jason had just left the Navy. The week before. He hadn't told me anything about it. However, it could explain why he'd been so curt before the accident. I tried to tell myself that it had been his choice and that I had nothing to do with his decision.

I wasn't too sure about it. It felt like he was angry at me. Like he blamed me.

Although I didn't know. And I would have never asked him to do something like that.

It was his choice at the end.

Still...I felt like crap.

Especially since he hadn't told me.

My stomach churned as the doctor reached Jason's room. He was followed by three more doctors and a nurse. His white moustache moved as he spoke to Mrs. Lee.

My mind was in turmoil so I couldn't make out what he was saying. I could only stare at him with wide eyes. Completely panicked.

What was going to happen when Jason wakes up?

Was he going to be mad at me?

Did he actually want me here?

Would he be alright?

"Marianne," Danielle tugged my sleeve, "we need to leave." Swallowing hard, I nodded. The door was closed as we stepped on the hallway. Mrs. Lee had been able to stay. "They said that this was going to take a few hours, so we should go get a coffee or something." I nodded again.

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