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 Chapter's song: Something I need from Ben Haenow :)

How could you asses a relationship as serious or not? I mean, in my book, a relationship was when you chose to be with someone, exclusively. It was a given. A non-spoken rule.

So what on earth was a non-serious relationship? And why would anyone want to have that, whatever the hell that was, with Jason?

Good looks apart, the guy seemed really sweet. And protective. And loyal. I mean, he seemed like quite a catch. Then, why?

“Are you ok?” Sol’s brown eyes blinked in front of me. Completely invading my personal space.

“I’m fine!” I pulled apart as her brows furrowed.

She passed me a water bottle, “Pablo said that you didn’t seem too drunk,” she rolled her eyes, “which could be code for she was puking her guts out, in Pablo’s world…”

Thankful, I took the bottle in my hands and uncapped it. “Gracias. I didn’t get that drunk…” I took most of the bottle in one go, “I’m just too damn thirsty…”

“So, what were you babbling about now?” She crossed her arms and leaned on the front desk’s counter.

My eyes widened, “I was not!”

Sol rolled her eyes, “Please…”

Frowning, I played with my bottle’s cap before closing the bottle. “What could be considered as a not-serious relationship? Because for me, either you’re exclusive or you’re just not dating…”

Her chocolate eyes sparkled mischievously as a sly smile formed on her lips, “nothing happened, huh?” Glaring at her, I shook my head. She wiped her hands on her shirt, as if they were dirty to begin with, “well, it means that when you see that person you’re all over her, but when you don’t, you’re free to do whatever…” she raised an eyebrow, “or should I say whoever?”

Well…that sucks…I wouldn’t want to be with someone with so low relationship standards.

Not that I wanted to be with someone, to begin with.

“Te gusta!” (You like him!)

“Who? Pablo?” I feigned innocence.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me playfully. “You do know he likes you too, don’t you?”

He does? Sadly, a small ray of hope ignited within me. However, I kept my poker face on, “How would you know that?”

She looked at me like I’d asked the most obvious question in the world. Which I hadn’t. “Because of the way he looks at you!” I raised an eyebrow wondering what the hell she meant by that. “You’re so lost, Marianne…” she shook her head, “he’s like always looking at you…you know?” she gestured her hands, “in a protective way. I think it’s too cute…” she trailed dreamily.

My heart sank. It’s his bloody job. “That’s just his personality,” I sulked.

“No it’s not! It’s like whenever you’re around, he’s paying attention to everything you do!”

I frowned. This was going nowhere. I was pretty sure it was just part of the job.

And I shouldn’t freaking care about it, to begin with!

“This is pointless, Sol. I’m not even interested in the guy.”

“Well,” she looked at me with straight eyes as she rolled her shoulders, “if you are so sure about it, then you won’t blush or stutter when looking at him, right?”

Princess in love (Royals #3)Where stories live. Discover now