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Chapter's song: Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran

ChaPtEr THIRTY-EIGHT _________________________


"He said that?!" My sister's brown eyes blinked at me. She had a dreamy look in them, too. Clapping her eyes, she added in a softer tone, "Did you guys kiss?"

"No," I answered shyly as my best friend answered for me, "Nope!"

I stared at her. She smiled sheepishly, "I was just looking out for you...besides you weren't that far away and it would be unlikely that he'd kissed you with so much audience."

"He did ask," Ashley pointed out.

"Yeah," Val scratched her chin thoughtful, "but I guess he was just testing the waters, you know?"

"Guys, I'm here, you know?" I raised an eyebrow completely annoyed at the fact that they were talking about me as if I wasn't there. We were all camped out in my room since Val decided to have a sleepover for my birthday. They both turned to look at me.

Ash shrugged, "still, it was so romantic the way he told you he had feelings for you," she placed a palm on her chest smiling.

"It was" Valerie stated in her know-it-all voice, "in a fucked up way."

Ashley glared at her as I burst out laughing. "I think you're right, Val," I shook my head smiling.

Because it was.

He couldn't remember me...yet he had feelings for me...

It was as promising as discouraging at the same time.

My sister rolled her eyes at us, "you guys are so grouchy..."

Val snorted, "Well, that's good, you know? Last week was Peter's and I first month anniversary and he forgot about it. He even gave me a C on my essay." She narrowed her eyes.

"That's what you get for dating your teacher," I raised an eyebrow.

Which was not entirely truth. Peter was the teacher's assistant on Val's summer course. So technically, he wasn't his teacher. Technically. Although the teacher had just introduced himself on the first class and was now in Spain giving out a speech on who knows what.

"It's still hot..." she wriggled her eyebrows slyly, "especially after class. Having sex on-"

"Oh my God, Valerie!" I exclaimed at the same time my sister's eyes widened and she clasped her hands on both ears chanting "I don't want to know! I don't want to know!"

Val burst out laughing.

"I'm off." Ashley got up glaring at my best friend. Her eyes softened as she turned to me, "I think it's really sweet that he has feelings for you."

Val was still laughing as Ashley closed the door. "I was just kidding, you know!" she hiccupped as she sobered up. Rolling her eyes, she muttered "Peter would die before having sex on the faculty's desk." She grabbed a brush and started to run it through her hair. "Your sister is right, you know? It's really sweet what he said. I guess it's not easy on him, either."

Sighing, I laid on bed and stared at the ceiling while touching the small cupcake charm on my new bracelet. "What's not easy? He doesn't even remember!" A sharp pain burst in my stomach. Valerie had thrown the brush at me. "What was that for?"

She had stood up and was looking at me completely exasperated. "Try to imagine what it would be like to wake up and see your life upside down. Plus, you can't remember how it happened." I sighed annoyed at her. "He's trying. Give him some slack," she stated before crawling into bed.

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