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Chapter's song: Dear future husband by Meghan Trainor. (I thought of it while writting this chapter).

ChaPtEr TWENTY-NINE _________________________


I woke up in a jolt as light blasted on my room. Someone pulled the curtains away while I tried to cover my eyes with my blanket.

"Did you enjoy bullying my boyfriend?" Ashley blurted out. Her hands were on her hips as she was full-on glaring at me.

I closed my eyes. "Could you comeback in like two hours?"

"Oh no," she pulled my blanket away from me, "you're listening to me right now!"

I rubbed my eyes while yawning. My sister puffed her cheeks and started to rail on me. "I cannot believe you actually threatened him!" she started to pace around my room. I didn't even try to follow her with my eyes. I closed them and snuggled with my pillow. "And don't get me started with that guy you were with! We'd never met him and you were pretty much eating his face half the time!"

"It's called kissing, Ash." My voice was muffled.

"What was up with that? That's so...un-you!"

I sighed. There was no way I was going back to sleep now. Feeling over my night dresser, I found my cellphone.

It was past seven. In the freaking morning. On a Sunday.

"What the hell Ashley? Didn't you get after two like I did?"

Still with her hands on her hips, she rolled her eyes. "I couldn't sleep. I mean, what if you scare Ben away?" her eyes showed worry lines and a desperate look.

I patted the space next to me. She sighed and reluctantly sat by me. "If he bolts then he wasn't worth it to begin with." Her shoulders sagged. "Why are you so afraid, Ash? Is there something you haven't told me?"

She shook her head softly, "I'm just scared...I think I'm in love with him and it's...scary..."

"I know." God...I know. "But you have to give yourself some credit. You're quite the catch and anyone is lucky to having you pinning after him."

Her lips tugged up in a small smile. Her brown eyes watched me carefully, "what's the deal with that Jason guy?"

A wide smile drew on my lips. "Turns out that Jason guy is my boyfriend." She blinked at me. I guessed I needed to explain myself. "He's the guy I was sent to Mexico with and well...things...sort of happened."

"Is that why you've been a wreck for the last week?"

"Yeah...I though he had a girlfriend and it turns out he doesn't." Goofily, I added, "well, he does now."

Ashley looked at me and sagged her shoulders. "Love is a complicated thing."

I laughed at that. "It is. It's like walking on a fine thread really high in the sky. Either you feel like you're flying or you fall and feel like you're whole life is diving down and shattering to pieces when you reach the floor."

She nodded slowly, "yeah...that's exactly how it feels..."

I shrugged, "but it's pretty awesome, huh?" I shoved her playfully with my shoulder. "Don't be scared, Ash. You're not letting yourself enjoy it."

"But what if the fall is so hard that you never want to get up?"

Sighing, I looked through the window. Everything was green and a few flowers adorned our garden. I thought about Jason and the last few weeks. How I'd been in cloud nine in Mexico and how devastated I'd felt over the couple of days.

Princess in love (Royals #3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon