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Chapter's song: Demons by Imagine Dragons

ChaPtEr THIRTY-TWO _________________________


"Be honest with me. Aren't you tired of staying home all the time?" Danielle's tone was soft. Only meant for me to hear. Her bright eyes were set on me as she crossed her arms and leaned on the sofa as she watched me expectantly.

I knew where she was coming from.

I'd been dating  her brother for almost three weeks now and we'd been completely secluded from the world. We didn't go outside. And the one time we had to run to the little store on the corner of Jason's street, he'd avoided me like the plague. Like he would barely talk to me. Let alone touching me. I had told myself that it was ok. That it didn't bother me.

It did.

Especially since my birthday was next week and I still hadn't asked Jason if he would come. I was dreading his answer but I was hopeful that since it was my birthday he would come. We were having a small intimate party, after all.

"Danielle, help Marianne out!" her Mom's head peeked from the kitchen. She glared at her daughter. Jason laugh was heard from where we were standing. His mom had invited us for dinner and he was helping out by slicing the roast beef.

Danielle rolled her eyes and grabbed the plates. She started to move around the table completely miffed. I bit my lip suppressing a smile. "So?" she pressed on as I placed the glasses on each place.

Shrugging, I adjusted one of the napkins next to the plate, "it's ok, I guess."

"You guess?" she raised an eyebrow.

I looked at her. "I know that it's something that bothers Jason. So, that's ok."

I didn't even sound convincing to myself.

I omitted the he'll come around eventually, because that was what I hoped for.

Dating a royal couldn't be easy. I got that. I was giving him space for that. But there was this nagging thought hanging around in my head: I was a public figure. He had to get over it at some point, didn't he?Plus, it was silly and probably immature for me to think this...but at times it felt like he was ashamed of me being a royal.

You're just being immature, Marianne. Get over it.

"Yeah, but for how long?" she asked absentmindedly as her brows were furrowed and she set the forks over the napkins. I swallowed hard. I don't know. "I mean," she continued as if she hadn't made a question, "don't take me wrong. It's awesome that he finally left home," a small smile formed on my lips, "I finally got my art room, officially...but I don't know...I mean, if I was dating someone, I'd like to go to the movies or hang out at a small pub. Something normal, you know?"

My stomach churned uneasily. There was nothing normal about dating me, was it?

"I don't know if we could do that. Even if he didn't mind the press..." I looked through the window towards the street. A couple was passing by strolling around with their dog. I didn't even get to do that. We didn't stroll down the street with Snickers. He walked him out by himself.

"I think he's being a dick, if you ask me," she shrugged nonchalantly.

I sighed. Then, out of nothing, in a hush tone of voice, I blurted out, "I have a birthday party next week. It's really small..." I frowned as my stomach clenched one more time, "but I haven't been brave enough to ask him to come."

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