In between cupcakes and brownies...

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Chapter's song: Stay with me by Sam Smith :)

ChaPtEr THIRTY-SEVEN _________________________

In between cupcakes and brownies...

My mind was still reeling from the morning's events.

How bizarre was that I had to retell Jason what was going between us?

My heart ached for him as I'd felt his arms around me...

I was surrounded by him but at the same time, we were miles apart. Things would never be the same, would they?

My whole body fell flat on my bed. I was sulking into my pillow when my phone rang. I really didn't want to talk to anybody, so I left it ring. I closed my eyes trying to forget about everything. Maybe I could dream that Jason remembers me...

The phone rang again. Groaning, I scrambled out of bed and searched for the stupid device that I'd left on my bag. I froze at the caller's photo. Dirty blonde hair, grey eyes and a killer smile stared back at me. My stomach clenched as I slid my finger through the green phone icon, "Hi?"

"Hey!" Jason's voice greeted me from the other line. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. I was so pathetic. I swallowed hard and was about to open my mouth to say something when he added, "I'm calling to ask you something." He sounded somewhat nervous. Even embarrassed.

"Okay?" I laid back on my bed. This time, I stared at the white ceiling questioning if he was actually calling me.

"I was wondering if your invitation is still open."

My invitation?

What was he talking about?

I blinked furiously as I started to ask him what he mean, "What are you-"then it dawned on me. He was talking about my birthday. An invitation to my birthday party. Frowning, I stayed quiet for a moment. "Are you talking about my birthday party?" I asked incredulously. In my defense, he was always trying to avoid any event that included more than us.

Jason sighed relived, "the one and only."

Taken aback, I answered warily, "of course..."

"Awesome! At what time should I arrive?"

I blinked furiously, "Aren't you in the hospital?"

What the bloody hell?!

"Yes..." he said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But I cleared it out with my doctor and I just have to follow some rules. I'll be ok." He paused, "that is if you want me to be there." Doubt crept into his voice tone.

"Yes," I added hastily, "I'm just surprised. Sorry."

He chuckled, "that's ok. I can't drive, though. Danielle will drive me. At what time should I arrive?"

I stopped biting my lip. My stomach was making me feel queasy. "I have a photo shoot scheduled at six, I guess around seven?"


"Uhmm...I'll tell Tom, my bodyguard," I explained because he didn't remember him, "to wait for you guys on one of the back entrances, I'll send the location through google-"

"Why on the back?" he cut me in. Once again, I was rendered speechless. "I mean, Danielle is driving me," he stressed out his sister's name, "so that means that she expects to have this grand entrance through the front door." Who is this guy? "If that's ok with you..."he trailed hesitantly.

My brows were furrowed as I answered, "Whatever works for you guys."

"Awesome. I'll see you at seven, then."

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