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season two, episode eighteen


JOANNA WOKE UP WITH A FEELING. It was an invisible weight, like an anvil on her chest. The feeling was an urge that told her to be afraid, but she couldn't identify exactly what she should be afraid of. And considering what had happened the last time Emily had a feeling, Joanna felt like her having a feeling was a very bad sign.

She entered Christopher's bedroom, noticing the blonde sprawled out and snoring softly, his arms thrown over his head. She nudged Christopher's elbow. "Hey," she whispered.

"I was asleep," Christopher groaned, pulling his pillow on top of his head.

"Christopher," Joanna called again.

The surgeon rolled over and opened his eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked sleepily.

"I have a feeling," Joanna announced.

Christopher shifted and propped himself up on his elbows, eyeing her friend curiously. "A feeling?" he asked. "Like there might a bomb in the hospital?"

Joanna sighed "God, no," she said. "Not again."

Christopher settled back into his pillows, his features softening. "What type of feeling?"

"Like something bad might happen today," she explained. "But I might be overthinking this right? I'm totally overthinking this. Just because when Emily got her feeling yesterday and she was right, doesn't mean I will be right about this."

Christopher nodded. He knew all too well the feeling of not being sure but still having that sense of dread permeate through his veins. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently.

Joanna thought for a moment, then shook her head. "There is nothing to talk about," she said. "I just have a feeling that something is gonna go wrong today."

"Wanna do something to take your mind off it?" Christopher suggested, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"You are disgusting," she said with a smile, before throwing a pillow on his bare chest.

"No," Christopher corrected. "Men are disgusting."

"With that, I can't disagree with."


JOANNA tried her best to brush off her worrying, but even as she waited for the interns, she still felt uneasy. As she saw the ten eager interns approaching, she took a deep breath, not wanting to show her distress. Every day that passed, Bailey's interns got fonder of the idea of having Joanna as their resident. So much so that her usual morning cappuccino was handed to her by Alex Karev.

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