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"This... This... Oh, and that too..." I muttered to myself, as I distractedly reached for yet another cat treat. My hands were already full with two giant bags of cat food, and yet I somehow also managed to (just barely) carry eight bags of cat treats. Not to mention, the ninth one I was reaching for, with baby pink packaging.

"Alright, this looks good." I sighed, as I happened to see yet another cat treat. "The cats would love that too..." I muttered, I slowly reached for a cat treat with intricate blue packaging, bright yellow sunflowers, and a white kitten.

I bit my lip, as I felt one of the bags slipping out of my hand. I tightened my grip and snatched the tenth cat treat as quickly as I could, nearly dropping one of the bags.

I sighed, and hoisted the bags up, adjusting the slumped position they were in.

I wobbled over to the pay counter since I couldn't see very well with the bags leaning on my face for stability.

"Hello, again Jiwoo! Looks like you've got a handful," The familiar cashier said, as I clumsily set the bags down on the counter.

"Yep, I was running low on food for my cats," I replied cheerfully. "You sure do spoil them." The cashier chuckled, as he began bagging the cat treats.

"They're so adorable, how can I not?" I smiled and slipped the credit card through the scanner to pay.

"Makes sense, I have a few cats at home myself." The Cashier smiled and handed me the bags.

"Thank you!" I said with pleasure, as I made my way to the door. "No, thank you. Have a good one." The Cashier waved.


It was about a fifteen-minute walk from my house to the pet shop, so I didn't bother driving.

It was around 5:50 pm, So the sun was kissing the sky goodnight.

Golden light rested on the city, and lights gradually started to flicker on.

The number of people on the street was lessened, as snow began to lightly fall. The golden sunlight reflected on the snow, making it glisten like little diamonds. And the atmosphere was reduced to a quiet, and gentle evening.

I yawned and closed my eyes for a moment while walking. And by the hand of goodness, I opened my eyes just in time to catch something with my peripheral vision.

A toddler, with short brown hair, and distinctively large eyes, kicked the ball he had been entertaining himself in the wrong direction, onto the street.

What made me worried, was the car coming straight his way, as the toddler walked carelessly onto the street, to fetch his ball.

My chest tightened, and the back of my head and neck felt frazzled as I saw the driver distracted on her phone, heedless of the road.

And without a second thought, as I saw the driver continuing not more than ten feet away, and the toddler finally processing the car ahead of him, standing in regret, I used it.

People had begun to fret along with me, seeing the crappy driver not noticing the toddler. Except, I was the only one who did something about it.

Knowing there wasn't any other option, I used the wretched, burdensome, and cursed 'skill' of mine, that always rubbed in my face how alone I was.

This speed of mine.

With a speed that made the world around me fade in half of a second, I darted to the toddler, scooping him into my arms, just as the car had skimmed my heel. I dashed to the other side of the road, setting him gently down on the sidewalk.

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