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AUTHOR NOTE: Gyatt dayum.  🍑 




Twelve years ago:




"Mom... am I human?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and suppressing the urge to cry.

My mom froze at the question.

She knelt down in front of me a held both of my hands in hers, a look of sympathy forming on her face.

"Of course, you are, sweetie... It's just..." she pursed her lips and averted her eyes.

"You're a little..." My mom let out a sigh. She seemed very regretful.

But suddenly, she lit up.

"Special! Yes, special! That's it." She forced a smile.

Even the naive, seven-year-old little me could tell the difference between a fake smile and a genuine smile.

Especially when it came to my mom.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "But everyone says people don't move this fast."

My tiny, feeble child's voice cracked.

She looked like she was about to panic with the way her eyes darted and the way her lips curled down in displeasure.

"N-normally, they don't. But that's why you're special."

As much as I wanted to believe her, I knew I couldn't bring myself to.

Not after what happened.

The bruise on my cheek stung, and I could barely see out of my right eye because of how swollen it was.

My eyes burned with tears, and my lip began to quiver.

"But m-my friends say I'm a monster..." Tears finally escaped my eyes and trailed down my cheek.

She faltered at that, but quickly wiped the tear from my unswollen eye.

"Is it wrong to have powers like mine...?" it was more of a cry than a question.

"No, it's not. And it's not wrong if you have them." She looked me in the eyes. I could see she was suppressing tears as well.

"If it's not wrong, then why are we running away again?" I sniffed, releasing my left hand from her grip and rubbing my unswollen eye.

Again, she was left speechless, but she still insisted on keeping that smile of hers.

"Is that why I don't have any friends...?" I squeaked, and more tears rushed out of my eyes.

That was when her smile fell.

Still unable to utter a word, she leaned forward and pulled me into a suffocating hug.


No reply.

But ever so slightly, her shoulders began and tremble.

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