Killing time

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Day 2 in the infirmary was slow, and unremarkable. He mostly sat alone, his nerves having finally calmed themselves from the night prior, and though he was bored, he had the entire internet to go through to keep him busy. TestTube didn't visit him today like she said she would, still presumably working hard in her lab, and OJ not visiting either. Some part of MePhone was hoping he would have, maybe brought dinner again, but the only interaction the two had that day was brief, OJ popping in to take the dishes from last night. He could only hope it was because OJ was busy, and not because he was being avoided. It was getting rather lonely, and he still refused to consider using the cane. It wasn't like sitting in a room for an entire month like this would kill him or anything.

Day 3.

Okay, it was killing him. He needed to get out of there. He was incredibly bored, and needed something other than mindless web searching to keep him stimulated. So for once, setting aside his pride, he stumbled around a bit, looking for the cane that was offered up. It was wood, the top part-- the handle? He didn't know cane terminology-- was flat, and there was a yellow band on it for style, or something. Maybe this wouldn't make him look frail, he kinda liked how it looked, really.

The second he stepped out of the infirmary, his nerves returned, but at least he didn't feel like he was going to immediately fall over or lose balance with every step.

"So grandpa decided to get out of bed today?" Trophy, who was headed out for one of his daily jogs passed by, laughed out.

And any bit of confidence he had in looking even remotely okay faded with that. He turned to go back into the infirmary, his mood immediately soured, but someone else called out;

"Hey, he heckles everyone all the time, don't think about it too much." MePhone looked back over to see Knife and Pickle on the main couch, playing some video game that MePhone had never seen before-- not that he was incredibly versed on any.

"Peh, like I let what he said get to me. I don't- don't care."

Knife took a second to give MePhone a doubtful look, before returning his focus to the TV. MePhone rolled his eyes.

"Anyways," He turned back away from the door, not really wanting to go back in there at the moment; "Where's OJ. I need someone to bother."

"How about instead of bothering someone who's busy today, you can hang out with us!" Fan butted in, peeking out of the kitchen, as if he were waiting there for a chance to talk. MePhone rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and have you put me on blast on your blog for doing something embarrassing? No way." MePhone headed for the stairs again, albeit slowly, walking with a cane was strange, and would certainly take a bit to get used to.

"But it won't just be me! LightBulb and Paintbrush too! We're going out on a walk!"

MePhone stopped before stepping up the first stair, sighing. He weighed the options in his head. He really didn't want to be stuck in this hotel all month, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to go along with them. But of course, he couldn't make it seem like he was too eager to jump at this chance;

"Ugh, fine. I don't have anything better to do."

"Yeah!" Fan fist-pumped the air, before ducking back into the kitchen area. MePhone rolled his eyes, and walked over to the door, waiting for the others.


It was a nice day outside, and honestly, MePhone didn't mind being included for once. This wouldn't be his first choice on who to hang out with, but overall, it wasn't... the worst company possible. Paintbrush and LightBulb were keeping up conversation, talking mostly between themselves, and LightBulb occasionally asked all of them some silly 'would you rather' questions as they all walked-- surprisingly keeping pace with MePhone, who was slower than he usually would be. He was at least thankful of that, he would've been embarrassed if he had ended up getting ditched at any point for walking too slow.

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